9. Everything goes dark

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The sun is just as bright as it was this morning, and Maddi has to squint to see everyone. All the girls are gathered on the bean bags, talking together. Even Priya is there. The boys are all together in the kitchen, having a laugh about something. By the looks of it, it was something Bobby's said, as he's watching them laugh with a smug look on his face. He glances at her, but quickly adverts back to the guys in the kitchen.

Maddi makes her way to the girls and plops down on Lottie's bean bag. Their conversation stopped when she got close so she knows they've been chatting about her.

"What's up, beauties?" Maddi asks in a good-natured way. Trying to lighten the mood.

"We're talking about who Priya's going to choose today," Marisol says matter-of-factly.

The other girls give her a wide eyed look, and Maddi already knows. Priya is choosing Bobby.

It's the obvious choice, and not something Maddi is shocked about. But it would have been nice if Priya had told her before all the other girls. It just kind of feels like she's trying be a snake. Even though Maddi can't imagine Priya being like that.

"Yeah," Priya hesitantly starts, "I wanted to talk to you about it first but you've been kind of MIA this morning."

"Oh yeah," Hannah interjects, "weren't you playing hide and seek with Noah?"

Before Maddi can answer Hope snorts, "Aw, Maddi you're hiding from another one of your boy toys?" She asks icily.

Maddi feels the rage building up in her gut. If she doesn't diffuse the situation soon she might lose it. And she does not want to make a scene.

"Ah, sod off, Hope," Lottie thankfully intervenes. She reaches out and laces her hand with Maddi's.

Maddi looks appreciatively at Lottie. And then Hope speaks again: "It's just fucking childish, innit? You girls agree," she looks around the group expectantly.

"Noah and I were just playing a game, Hope." Maddi says firmly, wanting this to be over.

"Oh, hun. I've known from the moment I met you that you're playing a game." Hope snipes.

There are actual audible gasps from the other girls. That was a fucking shot.

Lottie snaps, "You're just jealous, Hope. Everyone knows that. You're mad because you thought you could lock Noah in until the final, but he's left you for Maddi after one day."

Now it's Hope's turn to gasp. Maddi brings her hand up to her mouth. She cannot believe what's going down right now.

"I'm mad," Hope stands up from her bean bag and retaliates, "because she's been nothing but an immature child since the moment she's walked in. But you lot don't see it." She gestures to the rest of the girls. "You see her as this innocent little bird all because her mum died and her fiancé left her, when he probably left her because of how much of a child she is."

This time the gasp is loud all around the bean bags. The guys even heard it in the kitchen. They've all turned around to see what's going down. Noah has just walked out of the bedroom and has stopped, looking down at them from the decking.

All the girls look to Maddi for a reaction as Hope stands there looking proud of herself for calling her out. She knows everyone is expecting her to run off crying again, and the only question will be which of her "boy toys" follows after her... But. Not. This. Time.

Maddi gets to her feet without a word. She stands in front of Hope as tall as she can, despite the height difference. She takes a deep breath and keeps her voice as low and steady as she can as she says:

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