Chapter One-Hundred and Thirty-Six

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It wasn't too late. I had to have made it in time. She would be back where she belonged soon. Without hesitation Thor began to run to the other side of the roof. As soon as she saw that she tilted her head to the sky and took in a deep breath. When her head fully tilted back her eyes closed, and her body became encased in a soft golden light. I'd never seen anything like it before, seiðr spread across her skin like a shield but fitting perfectly to her body like armour. No more than a second later she began to charge for Thor. Just as we planned, I ignored it. I knew the moment I focussed on the fight with her it would unravel too fast. I took enough energy to teleport behind her, getting to the edge of the shield. Alex held his hand over his holster, preparing to fight. He really thought such primitive Midgardian technology could stop a God. Except when I went to stop through the shield I couldn't. It blocked me in a way her shields never had before. I stalled for a moment, trying to figure out how she was able to block me so effectively. I didn't notice my brother calling out to me, nor the hand grabbing the back of my colour, no instead the only thing I could focus on was the smug look on Alex's face. I could feel an energy spread around me before I was flown back away from the shield around the quinjet. I crashed into my brother, who luckily broke my fall. With a groan, I rolled to the floor beside him and flicked my hair out of my face. She stood back in the protective stance she started in, golden energy still glowing around her.

In an instant I realised just exactly what had been disturbing me this entire time. Some sense of uneasiness had been in the back of my head, more than how low my seiðr was and the fact Miller had betrayed her. All around us was her energy and none of it was seiðr. I'd thought my lack of seiðr had been causing such a faint trace, and that was why I'd struggled to pinpoint her location.

"It's not seiðr. She isn't using seiðr at all."


"I... I can't feel her seiðr at all. This power... it's all from the mind stone."

"How is that possible, brother?"

"I don't know. None of this... it doesn't make sense. When we did it before, her seiðr was still present." Why didn't I notice this sooner?

"Okay, change of plan. We're going to have to target her first and hope that the shield falls with her." I took a deep breath as I let that knowledge sink in. She was going to get hurt, there was no avoiding that. Hopefully we could just minimise the damage.

"Just help me get to her head, brother." We both rushed her together, Thor slightly ahead of me. I'd hoped he'd make quick work of grappling her and I'd be able to break her shield, but it wasn't that simple. She'd been training too hard, especially on Asgard, and even if she didn't remember that her movement was expert. There was no hesitation in her anymore, she didn't second guess anything she did. In another situation I would have been immensely proud of her. Thor swung Mjølnir towards her and she easily dodged it. He brought it back, aiming for where she moved to dodge him. When she moved out of the way again, he found an opening and went to punch her in the face as I went to touch her forehead.

In that moment it didn't matter that she was shielded, nor did it matter that she may have dodged his hit. It was too close, it was too much of an opening. My hand grabbed his arm and moved it to miss before I registered what I did. There wasn't enough time to think about what happened, Kaya's elbow connected with Thor's nose empowered by her magic. Thor swore and stumbled back. I retreated with him, noticing how she stilled but in a stance ready to take the next attack.

"Loki... remember the loophole. This isn't Kaya right now."

"I know, I didn't mean to, it just... it just happened."

"This is why we don't make blood oaths like this." He muttered under his breath. "Again." He leaped forward, swinging Mjølnir down and back up causing her to dance around him. Once again it gave him an opening, and I forced myself to try not to intervene. But the opening was too clear and I knew just how hard my brother could hit. No matter how hard I tried not to intervene, I couldn't bring myself to let it happen. I reached out and grabbed his arm, causing him to visibly stare at me. His annoyed glare at me was cut short but yet another elbow to his nose. This time the damage had increased, blood beginning to drip from his nose. Thor grabbed my arm and backed off, holding his other hand over his face. She'd made him bleed. She actually made Thor bleed. Gods she was glorious.

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