Chapter One-Hundred and Six

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By Wednesday I'd settled into my routine well. That morning I had made Volstagg yield using a katana and a shield, and the morning before I beat Hogun too with my daggers. Which meant I had beat all of the Warriors Three. A crowd formed around us as I faced Volstagg, rumours of me fighting my way into the higher ranks of the Asgardian armed guard echoing throughout the soldiers and in court. Several Lords and Ladies also watched from above, though they did not cheer as the soldiers did when Volstagg yielded. By then I finally received battle leathers. Honestly, it was no different to the jumpsuit I wore before, it fit me just as formally, though granted a leather skirt was attached to the bodice and it did provide me more comfort. And the leather vambraces were a cute touch. It came with a cloak as well, though I didn't use that option. It made me feel far too much like a fake superhero on Halloween. On top of my progress with training, I was learning faster than expected. Lord Mímir was updating schedules based on my fast progress. Everything was perfect. Asgard was perfect. I loved training. I loved the city. I even loved learning about Asgard. Odin was spending more time with me as well, talking to me about how well learning was going and he seemed to take a vested interest in my progress. Everything was perfect. It was fine that when I woke up Loki was gone and wasn't back when I finally passed out waiting for him. At least I knew he was back because I woke up in bed.

I spend my second day convincing myself he was just busy, even as he failed to show up for lunch. Even as I fell asleep waiting for him. On the morning of Wednesday, I saw a glimpse of him. Or at least I convinced myself I did. A flash of black and green in the corner of my eye as I studied the crowd that gathered around me. I couldn't be certain, but I told myself he was there. That he at least saw my triumph. However, as time slowly progressed without him I found myself worrying more and more. I wasn't the only one. Thor's hesitant eye watched me, and I often saw him become lost in thought with a slight frown. I knew he felt the same. Still, I stuck to our agreement and made no attempt to approach him where eyes could be watching, which I quickly found out was everywhere. So I kept my worries to myself because I had no opportunity to voice them to him. Which meant I ignored the part of my heart that ached. At how my body craved his arms around it. At the growing emptiness I began to feel with him extended absence. Moreover, I realised soon that he wasn't in the palace, the lack of his seiðr completing mine contributing to the growing void within me. Eventually it broke me and I could no longer hold my tongue. So when he failed to turn up to lunch on the Wednesday I sought out Thor, who was leaving the training grounds likely seeking his own sustenance.

"Thor!" I called out, caring little for the heads of the people that turned around us. Not one soldier cared enough to look our way, and rumours would never originate from them. I doubted it was because they respected me, instead likely stemming from their utter respect for their leader. The staff and guests, however, did not hold him in the same regard. But I couldn't dwell on baseless rumours that could upset Loki in the future, instead I needed to find out what was happening with him now. If Loki had started to spiral then having a conversation with Thor wouldn't matter.

"Lady Kaya! You did excellent today!" He grinned widely at me but kept a distance from me. There was a growing gap between us because there had to be, and I was quickly over it. He had stepped forward to embrace me when I did make Volstagg yield. Christ, all of the Warriors Three had. He stayed back, a sad smile on his face. Loki was going to need to get over this stupidity once I set him straight.

"Thanks, Thor. Do you have time for a chat?" His eyes shifted nervously at the use of his name, though I made a conscious effort to use it. To indicate to him that I cared little for appearances right now.

"My deepest apologies Lady Kaya, but my duties call. Perhaps at the banquet later I can lend you an ear." Just like that Thor turned his back on me and began to walk away. But I couldn't have one more person ignore me, so I sauntered over to him and grabbed his arm as I spoke.

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