Chapter Eighty-Eight

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Venom dripped off of her words and they entered by body causing me to freeze. In my scheme I'd somehow forgotten she was here and listening. That the noise would wake her up and that she would hear everything. It should not have been an issue, I could have explained why I said what I did. But I'd forgotten how easily her trust in me could break. The past two weeks, and especially yesterday, made me fail to consider this outcome. Her trust was fragile, and her emotions were volatile especially now. So much had happened in her past, and she had confided in me so thoroughly that it left her vulnerable. That vulnerability was a blessing and a curse. She had believed every word I said, and I couldn't entirely blame her. It was the previous plan. One that didn't account for feelings between us to grow, one that died a long time ago. Ever since I laid a finger on her I couldn't betray her, even if it took me a while to realise that. I saw the betrayal clear in her face. And that one look told me everything, that she believed the act I put on without question. I lowered my own shields hoping she would look deeper, at least try to see deeper. She didn't seem to notice. Thor hesitated to leave us, Mjølnir still gripped tightly in his right hand.

"I will be with you in a moment, Thor. I promise." There had been only a handful of times that I heard her as angry and once more I had no one but myself to blame. After a long pause Thor agreed to wait in his longue if she came straight to him afterwards.

As he left she rose from the bed, and I noticed she had summoned some clothing she kept in our subspace for emergencies. Nothing was said between us until Thor closed the door as she raised her own shields around my room.

"Kaya I–" I thought this was my opportunity to at least try and explain my actions. Hoped that she would at least hear me out. But then she did something entirely unexpected. She wrapped her arms around me. I stood there completely stunned, every thought disappearing the instant her arms wrapped around my waist. After a moment I let out a sigh and wrapped my arms around her, reciprocating the embrace even if I didn't truly understand what was happening.

"It's okay, Loki." She whispered, moving ever so slightly out of the embrace, not enough to break it but enough to gaze up at me. With a small smile she leaned up, taking to the balls of her feet to kiss me. It was quick and tender but entirely perfect.

"I thought you believed the lie." I whispered before pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Don't get me wrong, it was hard to hear. It caught me off guard and I am a little pissed. But I thought about everything you told him and honestly none of it truly made sense. The cuff will be off when you get to Asgard, and if leaving Earth was your goal then you have it. You'd have no reason to keep up the pretence." She believed me. Instantly and with little question. It wasn't like before anymore. I now had someone who would at least give me the benefit of the doubt.

I brought her back into my arms, tightening my arms around her. I felt a flurry of emotions I myself couldn't place. At the core was just relief. Relief that finally someone would see past it, past the lies I had to spill. The ones I had to use to protect myself, and now also her. It didn't ruin everything. Because she trusted me. To have someone put trust in me after so long without it, it was incredible. I knew at that moment that I would do anything to protect it.

"So much has passed between us, Loki. But I'm done fighting against it. We only have a handful of days left together and we aren't going to spend them apart. With that said, how did this happen? I woke up to Thor yelling about you using me, so could you fill me in?" I tightened my arms around her once more before finally letting go, missing the warmth she provided immediately. With a small smile, she retreated to sit on the edge of the bed and patted the space beside her. As I sat she took my hand in hers, threading our fingers together. It was such a simple gesture, but my chest seemed to tighten at it. For a brief moment I just stared at the way our hands fitted together, mesmerised by the image in front of me. Her small fingers wrapping around mine and holding on to it as if she never wished to let me go. So simple, but so perfect. I never wanted to let her go. The entire time she just waited patiently, which I often notice her doing. She would always give me time to think things over. Just one more thing to add to the long list of reasons why I wanted her by my side forever.

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