Chapter Fifty-Eight

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It was late into the evening when I made my leave, telling the two I was tired and going to sleep. Loki looked up at me slightly, his eyes revealing he knew the lies in my words. I smiled slightly before turning to leave. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and changed into the chemise before teleporting into Loki's bedroom. I sat on the bottom of his bed, facing the door to his bedroom. It wasn't long until I heard the door in the other room open and close and Loki called out a goodnight to his brother. I heard him shuffle around in his longue, clearly taking his time despite knowing I was here. I rolled my eyes at his actions but was grateful that it allowed me time to calm my nerves. Really, it was ridiculous how nervous I felt. The chemise looked good on me, and it would probably end up in tatters on his floor. Still, I found myself having to push my anxiety down at the thought of being so forward. Eventually, the door to the room opened. He clearly had planned something that asserted his dominance over me, as he sauntered into the room in a confident stance before pausing as his eyes settled over me. In that moment his resolve faltered as he took in the sight of what I was wearing. In a flash of green he was suddenly in front of me, his eyes dangerously consumed by darkness as his hands settled on the bed posts and he leant closer to my face.

"Temptress..." He hissed before his lips crashed down on mine with uninhibited passion.

His lips coated mine as I brought my arms around his neck and my hands through his hair. I tugged at the thick black strands harshly, causing him to groan into the kiss before pushing his tongue between my lips. The kiss was different from the controlled style I was used to from him. Instead, it reminded me of the kiss we shared on the night I'd tried to make him give in two weeks ago. It felt like a lifetime had passed since then. His hands glided over the fabric as they moved over my body. He cupped my ass with both hands, squeezing firmly before bringing them back up to my hips and yanking me up. I moved with him, wrapping my legs around his body before he fell onto the bed. As my back hit the mattress, he pressed his groin into my underwear. Instantly, I moaned as I felt just how hard he was through his trousers. He groaned at the sound, bringing my bottom lip between his teeth, and pulling it before ending the kiss.

"You should never be allowed out of my colours. You look so ravishing, you outshine even Freyja." His teeth grazed over the sensitive spot on my neck ever so lightly and I flexed my hips upwards automatically, grinding into him as I did. Another groan left him, this time directly into my ear which made me want him in me right then. Impatient, I went to move my hands to the bottom of my shirt, but he captured both of them and put them back over my head before shifting so one of his hands kept both of my wrists pinned against the mattress.

I tried to push against the grip on my hands, moaning when I found I couldn't move. There was something completely arousing about the way he pinned me down, his weight making it so I couldn't move an inch. It was much more desirable than ropes or bindings, the way he could hold my hands steady with one hand was just so erotic. He smiled as he watched me squirm and then moan, clearly enjoying the sight as well. He brought his other hand onto my neck before slowly dragging his fingers over my body, leaving a line of fire in their path. I writhed around beneath him. Arching my back to gain more pressure from his fingers and grinding my hips so pleasure could hit me where I needed it most. In an instant, his hand came off my body and around my throat, squeezing slightly as he talked.

"Keep your body still for me, pet." It was a command, one that would usually spark my desire to obey him. But as his hand grazed back over my breast, I smiled up at him and flexed my hips up to grind against him again. His fingers stilled instantly as he looked into my eyes with an eyebrow raised. His green eyes seemed to darken as he glared at me. The look he gave me was dangerous almost, warning clear in his eyes. And I don't know why but in that moment I realised I wanted to push him further.

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