Chapter Ninety-Eight

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"Thor? What's wrong?" His face was marked by concern and slight anger, something that always bothered me deeply. Thor was so carefree here so to see him with clenched fists and a tightened jaw meant something serious had happened.

"It's Loki, they–"
"Where?" I didn't let him finished, panic rising slightly alongside my concern. It was stupid to put his disappearance this morning up to anything else. In my morning high I'd ignored it but given how attentive he had been the past week it was entirely stupid to do so. As I tied my hair up into a ponytail, I tried searching for where I felt his seiðr, but could only find the traces of it across the building. I tried not to think about the worst case scenario, even as a thousand questions echoed in my mind.

"Meeting room one." Without hesitation, I put my hand onto his forearm and concentrated on teleporting us near there. Teleporting other people wasn't something I had much practice with, at least with someone who couldn't correct me when I was going wrong. Still, I found that my power often managed to become stable even when I wasn't. We landed just outside the door, which I then forced open. It hit the doorstop on the floor behind it, as I broke the lock open. All eyes went to me at the door being forced open, but mine went straight to Loki. He leant forward in his chair, head bowed slightly as he held his arms out stiff on top of his thighs. His head tilted slightly towards me, peering up at my behind his hair. It wouldn't have been a surprise to him that I was the one coming in, but he still remained stiff, as if in pain. My heart throbbed at the sight of him, his entire body rigid and fury in his eyes. I immediately looked down to his wrist, knowing something had to be on them since I still couldn't feel his seiðr. My own fists clenched as I found both wrists encompassed by the binding bracelets.

"Well, looks like I'm late to a party." I snarked, finally looking around the room. Alex stood near the door, his hand moving off of his holster upon realising it was me bursting through the door. He was the only one to give a sympathetic smile and I nodded slightly, wanting him to know my problems didn't lie with him. Still, I couldn't help but see the disappointment in him. He didn't agree with Loki and I's relationship, yet he would have my back when it came down to it, I was certain. It seemed like everybody was here. Wanda smiled sympathetically to me, and I took note that she was the only person in the room that may be on my side. Fury, Nat, Steve, Sam, Rhodes, and Vision were almost unreadable, but that meant they didn't stop whatever happened. Unsurprisingly, Tony looked furious, and I knew this issue had to have come from him. Various other guards were scattered around the room, all glaring at Loki as if he was a bomb that could go off at any moment. I thought we were past Loki being put in the role of prisoner, especially without proper justification, and yet here we were. For a moment I sincerely considered trying to break the cuffs and get him out of here. Almost. I doubt it would have played out well for either of us.

"Kaya... just take a seat and listen. There is a reason for this." Steve's stern tone snapped me back to reality. Something had to have happened, something that implicated Loki. Still, I was furious that all of this had been done behind my back.

I couldn't imagine how much trouble even Loki could have got into in the few hours he had since we fell asleep. Even if he didn't sleep, which I was sure he had, it wasn't feasible to me. I made my stand, walking over to Loki's side, putting a foot against the wall, and leaning against it. I saw Loki smirk ever so slightly and I rolled my eyes. That wasn't going to help the situation, especially with Tony looking like he was about to burst an artery.

"Maybe I would be more amenable had I been invited to take a seat and listen before that." I pointed down to his rests, glowering in Tony's direction.

"Security footage alerted us this morning that Loki made a visit to the Mind Crown last night. We are concerned that he may be trying to access it to harm you." I didn't know what to think at Steve's words. It wasn't comfortable, the thought of him making late night trips to my own personal torture machine. However, there were obvious innocent explanations that I immediately went to. I laughed harshly at him and shrugged.

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