Chapter Twenty-Seven

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By the time we had finished definitely not taking advantage of Odin's offer, Loki was in a far better mood. He had settled into the library with ease and in turn I had become more comfortable in his presence. It was a nice break from the past month in the compound, it was almost similar to the way it had been before. Almost. I had a feeling when we get back to Earth he would hurt me again, find a reason to push me away and antagonise me. But for now, I tried to enjoy his company. I hadn't realise just how long had passed until a maid opened the library doors and informed us that our presence was required at the evening feast.

"Shoot! I was meant to see the sights with Thor." Loki looked hurt every so slightly at my remarks, so I reworded my remarks. "Sorry, it just felt like hardly any time had passed at all." That he smiled at.

"Would you do the honour of accompanying me to the ball, my lady?" He bowed slightly before taking my hand, hiding the mischievous smile that I could feel when he kissed my hand. The usual hum of our contact settled over my skin, but I was pleased to know that it had to be because of our shared seiðr and nothing more.

"The honour would be all mine, my prince." I curtsied to him, ignoring the weird noise that got suck in his throat that he covered with a cough. When he stood back up he offered his arm which I took. Before we left he turned to me, breaking the contact. A smile still plastered on his face, he looked me up and down.

"On second thought, we cannot allow our esteemed guest to be caught wearing her day gown to an evening ball."

"Oh, heavens no! Think of the gossip that would incite. Very good catch, my prince." He loved this game, I realised. Me pretending to fit into his world, him pretending he still belonged there. It wasn't reality, but a nice break from it. And when in Rome... or Asgard, I guess. His seiðr settled over me like a second skin, warming my very core, until it slowly left me. I liked to believe he knew that it was a comforting feeling and so no longer wished to rip it away as he had before. I looked around for a mirror when he conjured a floor length one in front of me. My breath hitched as I looked at the woman in the mirror. My hair practically glowed in the setting sunlight that filtered into the room. The front section of my hair was braided back so I had no hair to hide behind, and it hung around the back of my hair and faded into the voluptuous waves that appeared. A light golden eyeshadow had appeared on my eyes and my lashes looked so black and elongated. A feather earring hung from my left earlobe and a golden curved necklace hung close to the base of my throat. It looked extravagant but fit so well with the ball gown that he conjured. The golden bodice hugged my chest and the plunging neckline tasteful exposed my cleavage. There was an almost translucent gold pattern that shimmered across the bodice in the light in the same pattern that was carved into the guard of his dagger. From the neckline were too stiff pieces of fabric of the same colour that ended just over the tops of my arms. Ever observant he had provided me with two perfectly matching golden gloves.

The lower half of the fabric managed to both hug my figure and flow elegantly with my movements. It was a dark green I'd come so accustomed to see Loki wear and it fit with the golden scheme so perfectly. Resting on top of the skirt was an almost black tulle layer. Underneath I had these gorgeous golden heels on that were surprisingly comfortable despite their height. It did wonders to my posture. All in all, I didn't look or even feel like me in that moment.

"What do you think, my lady?" He slunk his arm around my waist and stood by me. His hair was slicked back less harshly, as his curls framed his face perfectly and his eyes glimmered a beautiful green in the light. He wore long black trousers with gold embroidered black thigh high boots. His green cotton tunic hung symmetrically over his body, and I noticed the same gold pattern was stitched down the sides of his tunic and across the bottom. A long black cape hung off of his soldiers as well, the sides also embroidered in the same fashion. He truly looked like royalty and by extension so did I.

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