Chapter One-Hundred and One

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I managed to keep the smile on until the door closed behind me. However, as soon as the door shut, and I made sure I was alone, the wall broke down and a wave of anxiety flooded my body. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I steadied myself on the sink. I was counting in my head, slowly to ten and then back down. Forcing myself to take deep steady breaths until the panic within me started to decline. I didn't want to ruin tonight too soon. I knew I needed to wait until after the party was over. That was the plan. To wait until a reasonable time to retire from the afterparty and give him my leaving present. Then, if I could go through with it, at least partly tell him how I feel about him before he leaves. I'd put it off for too long, convinced that it was the wrong thing to do. But he couldn't go back to Asgard without knowing how strongly I felt about him. How truly amazingly loveable he was. However, that wasn't something I could accomplish if I broke down before the main party was even over. Christ it wasn't even 11pm yet. My tears had only begun to subside when I suddenly felt a hand grip the back of my head. There was no time to react before my head was forced forwards, a loud noise echoing throughout the room as a searing pain radiated across the front of my skull. It's funny really. As an assassin going after trained targets one of the first things you look to do is disrupt one of the vital senses of your targets. It was common Hydra training. So you would think that I'd be more prepared had someone attempt to use it against me.

Yet, the serum in my blood was not the completed formula, just the keep Russian knockoff created through experimentation from the Winter Soldier's blood. A large part of me remained ordinarily human. Trained or not. Magic or not. One successful enough hit to the head was all it really took, and with my guard down I'd left myself entirely open. The ringing in my ears wasn't the worst part of it, I could still hear reasonably well, no instead it was trying to open my eyes. Everything began to spin when I did, the light far too bright. Doubled with the confusion and dizziness left me completely vulnerable. Had the attacker wished, I would be dead. That was the only thought in my mind I could fathom. I hunched over, trying desperately to focus enough to do something worthwhile. A warm thick liquid dripped down my face and landed on the back of my hand. I tried desperately to focus on the dark red colour in order to steady my eyesight.

"тоска–'' There isn't a word strong enough to describe the pure panic that only one word could bring me. Part of me recognised the woman's voice but couldn't place it. A different type of pain radiated in my mind as my body fought against the word immediately. The anxiety gripped me tighter than ever before, as my body froze. "коррозия, семьдесят–" I couldn't fight back, not with the physical pain and dizziness as well. But I knew this couldn't be it. This couldn't be how Hydra got me. Not this publicly, not with everybody just metres away. My power swelled inside of me as I did the one thing I thought I could do. I reached out for him. A scream tore from me and the last thing I could do was call out for Loki in my mind, praying that he heard me, praying that I even truly called out from him.

Arguing was really the only thing I heard next. Layers of people talking firmly over each other, neither truly offering anything anyone else agreed or listened to. Truly a typical night if you spend long enough on a mission with Tony and Steve. The next thing I noticed was how rapidly the pain was beginning to subside, the warming flow of seiðr wrapping around the cells of my body as it sped up the healing process. When I was able to open my eyes, the light was still somewhat intense, but at least I was finally able to keep them open. At the acknowledgement of my waking, the arguing stopped. Loki helped me sit up on the sofa gently before handing me a glass of water.

"Are you okay? I don't exactly have much experience with this type of healing." He was fussing slightly, checking over my vitals and wholly getting in the way of the somewhat annoyed doctor behind him.

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