Chapter Forty-Six

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Needing to let out some anger, I found myself in the training room punching a bag like it was Fury's face. The uneasy feeling in my stomach did not settle down no matter how much I tried to force my mind on other things. Sweat dripped down the back of my neck as I beat the bag within an inch of survivability, forcing magic behind every punch. Tired of hitting the punching bag instead of someone's face, I threw one final punch into it, this time allowing my power to seep into my hands. The bag bounced against the wall behind it before landing harshly on the floor. Unable to help myself, and running on pure adrenaline, I ripped the bloodied bandages off of my knuckles, picked up my dagger and covered my body with a shield. Closing my eyes, I pictured the shields that surrounded Loki's room trying to feel them in their entirety. I flexed my energy around them and registered their elasticity and strength. Certain I couldn't break them, I settled for the next best option. Checking my shields were strong enough over my body, I forced myself to teleport through them. I felt his power resist me firmly, attacking me but instead tearing against the barrier I had placed. It took half a minute before I was able to get myself through them, blood filling my mouth where I had bitten my cheek to try to ignore the pain.

I was immediately faced with two daggers thrown towards me in non-lethal areas. I teleported behind them and put my hand up to Loki's throat with surprising ease. Lifting him off of the floor slightly, I walked him back into one of his black walls so hard the brick crumbled around him.

"I have to say this is a surprise, pet. Come back so soon?" He hissed when my grip on his neck tightened around him, fighting against his green power that was stopping me from cutting off his air supply.

"I am only going to say this once, so you better fucking listen." I snapped at him. "If you so much as think about harming any of them in any way then there will be no planet in this universe that you can hide on to stop me from hunting you down and snuffing out your pathetic excuse for a life. Do I make myself clear?" He smiled so I pulled him back off of the wall only to crush him into it with the same amount of force. He raised his hands in a surrender, but I would not let go due to the cocky smile my palm ached to knock off of his face.

"Yes, pet, you have made yourself abundantly clear." I let go, forcing him to fall onto his feet with a slight thud. "Although, I do not think I deserve this suspicion." I laughed harshly at his works.

"You deserve much worse than my suspicion." I snapped at him. "You talk of trust like you are worthy of it, but how many times has Thor trusted you just for you to betray him once more? So please give me an excuse to kill you. I would take great pleasure in it."

I went to leave by foot as teleporting had taken up so much of my energy.

"And yet last night you seemed to trust me an awful lot, Vasilyev." In one word I snapped completely, throwing my dagger right next to his head, and preparing the next one.

"You'll do best to forget that name." He tilted his head, questioning me.

"Well, the Director seems to think it belongs to you." He was pushing me, possibly too far.

"Fury uses it on purpose. It was a name given to me by the people who took me from my home." His body relaxed, his hands still held out in surrender.

"You were taken from your family?" His mask fell off, and he looked almost hurt. It seemed to will me into a calmer state. I didn't respond verbally, not knowing the words to say, so I nodded. He walked towards me, causing me to tense. But instead, he walked past, gesturing for me to join him in his lounge. Too tired and my anger dissipating, I joined him. Noticing Thor had walked through. The shields surrounding the room must have lowered at some point, warning Thor from the noise.

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