Chapter Two

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Mr. Rogers was nice enough to talk to me about anything else other than my circumstances as he led me out of the Hydra compound. Eventually he stopped far enough away from a large plane that I couldn't see who he was working with. He looked at me hesitantly.

"When we get back, they are going to want to question you on... well everything." I nodded in a silent response. "I will try to be there to do it, so you don't get too bombarded. The people we work for can be... unkind to strangers." I looked back towards the compound, wondering where the twins had gone briefly before taking a deep breath.

"It's okay. I-I don't really remember much but I'll try to tell you what I know." I looked down with furrowed brows in confusion. It felt right to go with them, but part of me still couldn't let go of what Hydra had engrained into me. With a whisper, I asked "Did... did they really not do anything for the greater good?" He placed his hand on my shoulder once more in a reassuring grip.

"I'm sorry Kaya." With another nod he led me over to his team in silence.

"Guys this is–" What happened next was a complete blur.

In one swift movement I was knocked to the ground, my head roughly hitting the floor causing my vision to go briefly hazy. I attempted to grab whoever had knocked me down, but I was fully pinned against the floor. Instantly my powers surged, a golden glow emanating from my heads. It was then that I felt the cool metal tip dig into my neck.

"Try anything and I will not hesitate to bleed you dry Widow." A voice hissed above me. I dropped my power in response, hoping that it would save the knife being slashed across my throat. I looked up and stared back into green eyes, noticing that her face was so close to mine that her short red strands grazed my face. She felt familiar too me, but I was unable to place her. "I will ask you this once. What are you doing here Widow?" She hissed, this time loud enough for her team to notice, although almost no one seemed to understand. However, one of the members of the team raised his weapon in response, pointing an arrow right towards my skull despite being clearly injured on the floor.

"I don't know what the fuck you are talking about." I hissed back.

"Oh careful, popsicle here doesn't like bad words." A man stepped forward, putting a hand on the other one's bow and forcing him to lower it. "Off of the girl Romanoff." He demanded, but the woman above me refused to move. With an exasperated sigh he stepped forward. "Rogers take Romanoff onto the jet now please." She frowned but took a step back, pricking my neck slightly on the way. The man offered a hand, and I took it to help myself up, noticing the callouses on his fingers as I did. His brown eyes looked tired and red, I recognised the glow of Wanda's magic in them and realised she must have placed a vision into his mind. His black hair was tousled, and I noticed he also had black facial hair making a weird pattern across his chin.

"Tony Stark." He shook his hand up and down in mine as he talked. The gesture confused me, but I allowed him to do so anyway.

"Kaya, unsure of my last name." The redhead who had tackled me stood near by and made a sharp laughing noise in response.

"Vasilyev. Her name is Kaya Vasilyev." The name sounded too foreign to me. I looked up at the woman who seemed to know so much about me in confusion. "She was raised in the Red Room alongside me. She was trained as a Widow before suddenly disappearing one day. We thought you had died Vasilyev, Yelena was disturbed by your sudden departure." The anger that radiated off of her confused me.

"Well, it seems you know more about me than I know about myself." I spat back at her, a golden glow settling over my skin in anger.

"Okay, okay cool it down both of you." Mr. Stark stood between us with his hands raised. "As much as I would enjoy seeing this showdown, I think it's better we head back. So can you please agree not to fight on my very expensive jet?" With a nod we all made our way onto the massive plane they had. It was bigger than any room I was kept in over my time in Hydra. I had the urge to press any and every button on it but felt like it was best not to do so. The injured man went to lie down on a table with the red head picking up a med kit. Throughout the flight they looked at me with hushed whispers whilst I sat as far away as I could from everyone. I hunker by the door near some black boxes. I took a note of the shine of interior silver walls, thinking that this plane must have been incredibly strong. Eventually a large man sauntered over.

"Hello Lady Kaya. I am Thor, son of Odin. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I smiled at the friendliness in his voice, which was a stark contrast to his overwhelming stature. He was big and all muscle, which were displayed clearly through his sleeveless black armour. His blonde hair flowed past his shoulders, flowing with a volume I could only achieve in my dreams. I put my hand in the one he offered, expecting the same movement Mr. Stark did. I was surprised when he brought my hand up to his lips in one swift movement. My cheeks burned at his actions and a shy smile grazed my lips.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"It must have been a rough time inside of the base of Hydra." He pried slightly, but it felt most genuine almost as if he was concerned for my wellbeing.

"I don't really remember if I'm honest. It's all... hazy." Mr. Rogers walked over to us as I talked.

"It's okay, hopefully your memories will return with time." It was then that the redhead called out to Thor, asking for a report. He turned around with a smile, it felt like any room he was in would be filled with his presence.

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims!" My head snapped up in shock at what he said, as it contrasted so harshly with his friendly joyful tone. Concern crept over his face as he instantly decided to back track. "B-but not the scream of the dead, of course! No, no, um, wounded screams! Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and um tales of sprained deltoids and...gout." I looked up at Mr. Rogers as I held back a laugh. Gout? I mouthed to him with a smile. He looked back at me with a weary smile, and I let out a laugh. The noise startled me, it felt foreign to my lips, almost unnatural. Steve smiled reassuringly at me as if he realised it had startled me.

"Um... Mr. Rogers–"

"Steve, please." I smiled at his friendliness.

"Okay... Steve... what can you tell me about Hydra?" I asked shyly. With a smile he sat down opposite me. The rest of the journey he told me what he knew of Hydra, of the war, how he fought them decades ago. He told me of their motives and what they did. Mentioning how they had kept his friend and fellow solider hostage, how they seemed to control his mind in a similar way. Every word he said only sat heavy on my heart as I realised what I had worked towards, what I had possibly participated in. I thanked him when he was finished and spent the rest of the journey in an uncomfortable silence as I attempted to view what little I remembered in a new light. As I tried to comprehend the lies I had been told and figure out if I could really understand the strangers in front me.

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