Chapter One-Hundred and Twenty-Seven

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"It's okay, we only have to talk about one." The lights went out suddenly, and backup didn't automatically kick in. All the screens were down and the interview with Barnes disappeared immediately. There was no way this could have been a coincidence. My first thought was that maybe it was Hydra. If they framed Barnes to try to get to him then almost everything would make more sense. But there was no way Hydra had enough resources to pull something like this off. Not without us knowing about it. Tony immediately began to talk to FRIDAY, trying to find the source of the outage. Whilst they were busy, I noticed behind us Steve and Sam ran off, leaving a blonde woman behind. Perhaps I should have stopped them, knowing it would only cause more issues, but so far they were the only ones who seemed to have some idea what the fuck was going on. Under the outage not only would we have no eyes on the interview but we also had no idea if the container remained powered. It was very likely it didn't. This was all but confirmed by Tony moments later. He tried to whisper to Nat alone, clearly cautious of my response.

"FRIDAY confirmed the container has been breached."

"He wouldn't have broken out unless he was in danger, Tony." Every cell of my body knew something was deeply wrong here. Tony grabbed my wrist, forcing me to look at him with wide eyes. He somehow knew what I planned to do before the thought properly entered my head.

It was like I was completely acting on instinct. I knew that Barnes had to be in danger now. That either someone was trying to get to him or already had. If that happened then everyone here was going to be in danger and soon. Also, it was likely that only two people in this entire building could possibly break through to him, and one of them had already gone to sub-level five according to the thoughts of the blonde woman.

"Kaya..." Tony warned. I hated this. I hated having to do this. But I knew I needed to try to stop Barnes, before he was compromised. Then, I heard the thought in his head without really meaning to. Through his earpiece he had been informed that Barnes had attacked some soldiers and back up was requested.

"I'm sorry." I twisted my wrist and pulled as hard as I could, allowing me to break free from his grasp. I didn't wait to hear what he went to say. I knew I was breaking his trust in me already, the last thing I needed was to hear it. Once I had teleported a few times to find sub-level five, I found myself in a dark corridor, hearing footsteps leading away from me. No one else down here was conscious, so I followed the footsteps as quietly as I could. Eventually, I quickly came across Barnes incapacitating a guard blocking the door to the stairs. When the guard fell to the floor he slowly turned to me.

He was stiff and frozen, his head tilting slightly as he took me in, brown strands of hair falling across his face as he did. This was no longer Barnes, this was the Winter Soldier, and Tony was about to find out the difference the hard way if I couldn't break through to him. Part of him seemed to recognise me, for just a moment as he turned his head slightly to an angle as he analysed me, but the control was too fresh and clearly he hadn't been given any orders involving me.

"Солдат." I attempted, hoping it would cause him to listen to my commands. It didn't. Whatever orders he had been given clearly took president over anyone else's ability to give him orders. As he charged at me, I had two options left, either control him myself or attempt to force a memory through in his mind, and I couldn't recall his trigger words. Those memories were far too hazy to rely on. So the only option I had left was to hope I could force some memory out. As he came ever closer to me, I fired out three bolts of seiðr in an attempt to slow him down. He dodged the first two with ease and then blocked the third with his metal arm. It did little to slow him down. Before I knew it he was far too close to me. The only real option I had was to try and reach his head before he killed me, I'd done this dance with him many times before in Hydra and I never won any.

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