Chapter One-Hundred and Eleven

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He stood looking out of the glass doors to the balcony which overlooked the training grounds. I wondered if he always took shelter here whilst I trained. In his left hand he held a chalice and in his right a long strip of golden and emerald colour fabric. He stroked his thumb over it idly as he looked out.

"Loki, please talk to me." I walked over to him but paused a few steps away, wanting to keep my distance just in case. At the sound of my voice, a piece of fabric he had been holding disappeared before he downed his drink.

"Haven't you embarrassed me enough for one day." I rolled my eyes before closing the gap between us, slinking my arms around his waist. I thought contact would calm him down, and honestly I needed the comfort from it as well. It hurt me when he tensed up at my touch, so I pressed my lips against his shoulder softly to try to get him to relax. To my surprise, he pushed at my hands around his waist and walked away from my grip.

"You embarrass yourself with your own actions, Mischief." He conjured another drink, but I refused to let his hand move. He raised an eyebrow at me as my seiðr swirled around his skin in a golden mist. With a flick of my wrist I put his chalice into the subspace. To my surprise, after I'd done so I found myself locked out. All my possessions closed off from me in one quick thought from him. My lips parted in shock as I stared up at him.

"You dishonour me every opportunity you get. There isn't a Lord, Lady or servant in this palace who doesn't believe that you seek the Crown Prince's affections now. The amount of rumours that follow you two... I believe you might have hit a record." I laughed bitterly at his words.

"Rumours? Of how I teleported us away so I could speak to him about you? That I visited his bedchambers to retrieve my very drunk kærasti? Or of how I danced with him at the banquet you refused to attend? Had you cared enough to be there it would not have happened." He closed the gap between the two of us, towering over me. He was trying hard to make me scared of him, or at the very least a little frightened.

"My presence was there long enough to see how comfortable you've gotten in his arms."

"Do you even know how preposterous you sound?" I tried to back up but he grabbed my wrist.

"Is it truly preposterous, Kaya? You have fucked him!" This was the Loki everyone saw. The one people warned me about. The one who lost himself to jealousy and would hurt everyone in order to feel better about himself. It is the one that plotted against Thor years ago, and the one that was easily exploited by The Other. It was rare for me to see this side of him, his logical side normally winning out. And I found myself at a loss. I had no idea how to break through to him now.

"How many men and women have you fucked, Loki? How many of them do I hold against you?"


"And how many men and women do you think I've fucked? I remember around thirty, but there are far more out there, most of which ended up with my dagger slitting their throats. How many of them will you hold against me?" He didn't get the point I was desperately trying to make. I wondered if he ever would. Even without my actions he would have always remained deeply jealous of Thor on some level. My past made it way worse.

"None of them were him!"

"Loki..." I had to stop this. He had to see reason before he fell too far into his own delusions.

"Am I wrong? My kærasta seeks comfort in the company of my brother. Am I mistaken in my understanding of your past with him?"


"Then say you do not care for him. Say you do not find comfort in his embrace. Let me ascertain your ability to lie to me." I flinched as he used my own words against me. He was spiralling fast and I didn't know how to stop it. His hand remained wrapped around my wrist and it was tightening. I also knew I wasn't in a position to be able to communicate with him properly if he kept pushing me.

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