Chapter Sixty-Three

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We spent the next two days either training or fucking. Since Thor was away on Asgard no one seemed to notice the sheer amount of time we would spend with each other. I would wake up and instantly head to training, only for us to lock ourselves in his bedroom for the rest of the day. I left to grab some food but didn't eat with the team. Wanda watched us train, still just monitoring my power with Vision. It made it difficult to be under such scrutiny. Thankfully, Loki kept touching and teasing to a bare minimum, and any marks on my skin were now covered with clothing. During training he would put an illusion over his neck to hide the mark I had left on him. It was an unusual sort of magic, one that I could see through with enough concentration. When I looked at his neck at a glance nothing seemed off, and it was like part of my brain was willing me to not look at it too hard. But when I focussed on the spot on his neck there was a faint shimmer of green seiðr that I could detect. It panicked me at first, but he assured me that Wanda couldn't see through it and that she barely paid attention to him enough to notice regardless of the spell. He did remind me that had Thor been with us, it would have been more difficult to explain as he could see through his illusions some of the time. It meant he didn't have to heal it though, and it made me feel happy that he didn't want to heal it. He wanted to wear the mark and would do so with pride if it didn't alert the team to anything wrong. I wondered if he ever imagined he would care enough to protect someone's reputation in such a way.

However, the lack of contact throughout the morning left me longing for him. He really was like a drug. The more I had him the more I wanted. It was stupid, really. I was a grown woman who was chasing after him like a horny teenager. He didn't seem to mind. I was getting braver and more brazen, my previous embarrassment naturally dying off as time progressed. But it did mean that by Saturday morning I was thoroughly sore and tired. I awoke early on that day, frowning as I found myself in my cold bed. Lately, it seemed colder than usual, but I put it down to getting used to falling asleep curled into Loki's side. Plus, it was early, and it's always cold early. I searched for my thick woolly jumper that would provide some comfort to me on the bad days and put it on, inhaling the faint scent of laundry detergent. Then I slipped on some light grey jogging bottoms that were issued throughout the base for colder training days. I'd have to change into something more sophisticated before being seen in public, but I was sure Tony would have a field day when I showed like this. Could never miss an opportunity to wind him up. I quickly knocked on Loki's door as I pulled my hair into a quick ponytail. When he opened it he looked about as well rested as I felt.

"You're never up this early." He muttered. My eyes lingered slightly too long on his bare chest and stomach before forcing myself to have PG thoughts. When my eyes met his face I noticed just how annoyed he looked.

"You know I always thought you were a morning person. Hurry and get dressed, we have some official briefing stuff to do before we leave for D.C.. It's about an hour flight and we need to be at the hotel around lunch time so we can do some public touring good faith shit before the ball itself." Then he closed the door in my face. My hands fell from fastening my hair as I stared at the wood in disbelief. A second later, he emerged from his room dressed in his Asgardian clothing and looking thoroughly pissed off.

"Off we go then." He spat out. I sighed, looking at my watch hurriedly.

"Going to tell me why you are so pissed today? Because it would be great if we sorted it out now before we left." Completely ignoring me, he strutted past me and towards the elevator, but I grabbed his arm before he could go any further. "You healed the mark." It wasn't what I was meant to say. But it stumbled out as soon as I noticed, and I couldn't prevent quite how much it hurt. That seemed to break through the anger though, he turned and brought a hand up to my face. He brushed away a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear

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