Chapter Ten

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I stood in the training room at 9am, surprisingly well rested despite what I was up against today. The weeks of training had done a number on me, and I slept from just after lunch to just an hour before I was due here. I pulled up one of the few armchairs and sat in it, sharpening four daggers as I waited. When he was brought out of his cell I felt his faint magic get closer and closer to the door. I smiled as I moved on to the last dagger when he entered. He was surrounded by guards, and I noticed Alex among them. My obsessive training and the clear overtime they were working due to Loki's imprisonment here meant we hadn't been able to see each other since everything had unfolded. But I was unable to greet him the way I perhaps should have done. Instead, all of my attention was focused on the raven hair man wearing what looked like black leather pants and a dark green cotton shirt. I glared at him, finishing off sharpening my last dagger before strapping two of them onto my thighs and my personal daggers into my holsters. Stark sat down in the armchair next to me, his mask of boredom almost perfectly covering his worry over the situation. Thor hauled him into the glass room that was designed so neither me nor Wanda could expand our magic beyond the glass. The mask covering his mouth was removed and a sinister wide grin covered his face.

"Well, this is a surprise." He snarked at me.

"Shut it, Brother." Thor growled at him, but this only seemed to make his smile grow wider. I brought out one of my daggers and began twirling it around my fingers delicately.

"No, it's okay Thor. I would love for him to give me a reason." I snapped back.

All of the rage I had blocked over the past three weeks had resurfaced when I saw his face. But instead of consuming me it settled over me with an eerie calmness. It felt dangerous within me. I briefly wondered if this is the result of my training, if this was the emotions of the assassin that I couldn't remember being.

"Okay Reindeer Games. Thor is going to remove your cuffs so we can see what you can do. But if you even think about escaping I will activate the shocker in the bracelet that was put on you earlier. It has a tracker in it but be warned that the further you teleport the longer you will be constantly shocked for with enough force to knock out Thor. Am I understood?" He rolled his eyes but nodded nevertheless. Thor provided his own warning in his ear before unlocking them. As soon as they released I could feel his power in the room. To my surprise, it wasn't suffocating like before and I realised that this must have just been from his spell and the rage that followed when I broke it. As he allowed his green power to swirl around him, I found mine meeting his. Thor then walked out of the door and locked it, leaving the two of us in the room. I had expect him to attack me but instead he tilted his head and watched our magic swirl around together.

"How are you doing that, mortal?" He asked. I shrugged in response.

"I was hoping you knew." I frowned at the thought that he genuinely had no idea what was happening. I hoped he was just lying, trying to trick me or tease me somehow. I allowed myself to believe it, despite the genuine look of intrigue in his eyes.

"It must have been your seiðr I felt calling to me." I looked up at him with a wary expression, despite my complete lack of trust in him I couldn't help but be intrigued by his words. Before I could ask him what he meant, exactly what he was feeling and why he thought it was happening, Stark cut me off. He ordered Loki to use his magic, to throw some bolts towards me. Loki, in return refused, making a comment about being a lab rat. Tired of hearing the arguments and threats I threw a bolt towards him. It caught him by surprise, but he managed to deflect it at the last moment. I watched as his anger took over his stubbornness, making note of how the rage caused the magic in the air to grow thicker. I threw up my shields just as he fired three powerful bolts towards me. I was delighted when they didn't crack my shields as hard as before, instead leaving small lines where they hit. His eyebrows threw up in surprise before a deep throaty laugh filled the air.

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