Chapter 72: Force

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{3rd person POV}

"Mm~ Finally summer break!" Oikawa exclaim as he plop down on the couch.

He let out a sigh and reach out for the remote.

"Now, what movie should we watch-"

"Ding dong"

Oikawa raised his eyebrow and turns to the door entrance.

"Who could that be?" He muttered.

Not so long, Damian walk out of his room and approach the front door.

He pull the door open and it revealed a certain family.

"Ah, you all have arrive..." Damian cooed in shock.

"Long time no see Damian" Karasuma greeted.

Irina just flashes a smile at him with a wave.

"Why didn't you guys call me? I could have pick you all up from the airport" Damian exclaim as he lets them in.

"We don't wanna bother you, Damian... Besides, we have our own assistant here" Irina exclaim.

Karasuma then noticed Oikawa's presence at the living room.

"There's my son-in-law... How are you, Tooru?" Karasuma greeted, making Oikawa jolts.

He bit his bottom lip and sweat dropped.

"I-I'm fine" he reply, avoiding eye contact with his.

This make both Karasuma and Irina confused.

"Anyways, where's my sweety pie?~" Irina asked.

"Ah, Iqram just done showering... He will be here in any-"

"Mama!!" A loud voice called, making all of them turns at the source.

"There's my honey bun! Come to mama!" Irina cheered and crouch down, letting Iqram hugs her by his level.

"I misses you!" Iqram cheered.

"Aww! I miss you too, sugarplum!"

Karasuma and Damian just smiles, watching the view infront of them.

"Ah, where's Iqbal-sama? Is he with you guys?" Damian asked, noticing a midsing blondie.

"Oh, Iqbal... He's at the mansion... Still clueless why he doesn't want to join us here... Iwaizumi is with him just in case..." Karasuma reply as Iqram hugs him after.

"Iwaizumi too? Wow"

Irina smiles and walk up to Oikawa who's standing hesistately.

"If it isn't my sweet son-in-law, Tooru! I hope you're fine!" Irina cheered, hugging Oikawa.

Oikawa startled by her and laughs nervously.

"Haha... I-I'm doing fine... Thanks.." he reply.

Irina pulls away and smiles until she started to look around.

Oikawa just watches her confused.

"Tooru honey... Where's (F/N)?" Irina asked, making Damian, Oikawa and Iqram jolts.

"Yeah... It's odd for her to not showing up... Where is she?" Karasuma asked.

Oikawa then started sweat.

"U-Um... Etto.." he muttered.

Damian then laughs, covering the awkward situation.

"S-She's having a small stay-cation with a friend for a week" Damian reply.

"Hold me, please..." - T.Oحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن