Chapter 25: Carried away

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{3rd person POV}



"Why did you bring him along?..."

"What? You're gonna pick him up eitherway so why not?"

"And I told you it's gonna be a personal talk..." Oikawa yell-whispered.

"I know that... That's why I bring along my teammates" Akashi reply, pointing at his teammates behind him.

"Reo, Hayama, Nebuya... Mind bringing Iqram around the mall? Here's my card just incase he wants anything" Akashi exclaim, handing them his credit card.

"Sure, Sei-Chan... We'll look after him for you" Reo reply, taking the card from Akashi.

"Sweet! Let's go on an adventure, little one!" Hayama cheered as he was busy playing around with Iqram.

Iqram flashes a wide smile and hugs Hayama on the stomach.

"Hayama-san so fun!!" He cheered.

Right after that, he felt his body got lifted up.

He yelps in surprise as he landed on someone's shoulder.

"Hold on tight! It's gonna be bumpy!" Nebuya exclaim and started to jogs away, holding Iqram's legs preventing him to fall.

Iqram laughs in excitement as Hayama catch up.

"Oi! Don't cause a scene, you idiots!" Reo scold, chasing the three.

Oikawa blinks in confusion while Akashi shakes his head.

"Anyways, back to our meeting... What do you want to talk about?" Akashi asked, legs and arms crossed while leaning onto the chair.

Oikawa sighs and scratches his head.

"It's a little sensitive but since you had been into the same situation, might as well ask you about it.." Oikawa exclaim, making Akashi raise his eyebrow.

"What do you mean by I've been through the same situation?"

"I heard from Kasamatsu... That you got stalked before... Is that right?"

Akashi was taken back for a moment.


"Kise's former captain... He and I went to the same University so...".

"Did he heard it from Kise?"

"Yeah... He did mention him.."

Akashi sighs and massage his forehead.

"That Kise never had his mouth shut won't he?" Akashi muttered.

Oikawa just gulps at his frustration.

'How (N/N)-Chan could stand him? He's scary when he's frustrated...' Oikawa thought.

"Let's just get into it... even though I don't want to talk about it.." Akashi demanded.

"Well... I just wanna know... How did you... make the stalking... stop?..." Oikawa spoke hesistately.

Akashi stares at him in shock.

"Stalking? You're in one right now?" Akashi asked.

Oikawa nods in reply.

"For how long now?"

"W-Well... I received a package from an unknown last week and yesterday... I got some creepy polaroids from the same unknown.."

"Do you perharps still have the polaroids?" Akashi asked.

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