Chapter 10: Bloodlust

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A/N: Since I'm feel light hearted today- I'm publishing another chap😇

{3rd person POV}

"Huwaa... Mornin'..." Oikawa greeted, scratching his hair as he walks towards the living room.

"Ah, ohayou, Tooru" (F/N) greeted, placing down the plates she's carrying.

Oikawa lick his dry lips and shift his gaze at Iqram who was looking down the balcony with his feet tip-toed.

"Where's Damian by the way?" Oikawa asked, making his way to Iqram.

"He has some errands to do... He just left" (F/N) reply as shs turns on the sink.

Oikawa who arrive next to Iqram, lean forward on the rails.

"Whatcha lookin'?" Oikawa asked.

Iqram didn't reply, pointing down at the relaxing cold pool.


"The water is still cold... You might caught a fever with it if you wanted to be in it"

Iqram didn't spoke, keep staring down.

Oikawa sighs and pats his head.

"I'll be inside if you need me, kay?" Oikaaa exclaim and turn around but got stopped when his shirt got tug.

He froze in place and turns to the source.

"No... Stay with me for a while..." Iqram exclaim.

Oikawa blinks confusedly at him and went back to his place.

"Seems like someone being clingy today" Oikawa joked.

"Aren't I always clingy?"

"Well this clingyness is different than you did before... Something the matter?" Oikawa asked.

Iqram stares at him for a moment and glances at his sister who was washing the dishes.

"About yesterday in the restaurant" Iqram spoke and leans on the rails.

"What about it?"

"I don't know if you noticed but... I got chills from Kira's sister.."

Oikawa sweat dropped.

"Reena? What makes you say that? She's a sweet one on what I saw"

"I can't help it but noticing her mixed shock and anger face when we were getting our order at the counter" Iqram stated.

"She did?"

"You didn't noticed the intense aura you're getting?"

Oikawa shakes his head.

"Maybe it's just your imagination, Iqram.. We shouldn't judge people too quickly without letting to know them first" Oikawa reply and ruffles his hair.

Iqram stares at Oikawa and look back down.

"I guess you're right..." he reply, making Oikawa smiles in reply.

"Boys! Breakfast's ready!" (F/N) yell out from inside.

"Comin" Oikawa respond and makes his way inside.

Iqram who was watching Oikawa walking inside, gripped onto the rails.

'You're actually wrong, Oikawa-Nii... I can sense the bloodlust she was having back then...' Iqram thought and walks inside.

While the three are having breakfast, (F/N)'s phone suddenly rang.

(F/N) who was sipping her tea, snapped her head at her phone beside her and pick up, turning on the speaker.


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