Chapter 49: Changes

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{3rd person POV}

After weeks of suffering with the unknown headache, Oikawa finally felt a little better than before.

It was currently midnight as all of them are asleep peacefully, except for a certain brunette, Oikawa.

His face started to frown and sweats started to form.

He kept having this blurry visions of him and (F/N) fighting and arguing all day.

But this time, it's worst.

He's having a vision of himself yelling out loud and lift his arm up as he land a slap on (F/N)'s face.

He then watches (F/N) place her hand on her stinging cheek with her bangs covering her eyes.

She said something that Oikawa couldn't hear that make something the blurry version of him had his eyes widen.

But, Oikawa could catch what (F/N) said in her last sentence by observing her mouth movement.




"HA!" Oikawa yelps out loud as he sits up, following with heavy pants and his widen eyes.

He gulps and continue to pants.

He turns to the night stand beside him and grab the glass of water as he drink it.

After a few gulps, he manage to calm himself and letting out a relieved sigh.

He leans on the bedboard and take a few deep breaths.

'It's that vision again... Why does it keep appearing?... Is it suppose to be some kind of sign?...' he thought.

He sighs and glances at (F/N) who was sleeping peacefully facing him on her side of the bed.

He smiles softly and lift her fallen hair from covering her face.

"(N/N)-Chan... I keep having these visions about us fighting and arguing about something... I don't know what does that visions mean but... if it's happens in real life... I'll try to prevent it from happening..." he whispered, increasing (F/N)'s cheek with his thumb.

"I love you so much, honey... It'll be a loss for me if I ever loses you.... My whole would be meaningless without you... Enough with the fight we had last time... I was struggling so badly to gain your trust back, (N/N)-Chan... I don't want us to fight again... Never..." he whispered again.

He watches as (F/N) snuzzles her face on the pillow.

He chuckles and place a kiss on her forehead.

He lay back down and pulls (F/N) closer,  wrapping his arms around her tiny body.

A month later

"To a what?"

"A club?"

"No. Absolutely not... You aren't stepping inside that filthy place..."

"How do you know it's filthy?"

"Tooru, I've gone missions that includes bars and clubs... I know how it was inside there..." (F/N) reply, crossing her arms.

Oikawa pouts.

"All of my colluages are going... Kasamatsu too-"

"No is no, Tooru... I won't change my answer"

"C'mon, (N/N)-Chann... Pleasee... Just this once..."

(F/N) stares at him with serious eyes.

"Tooru, please... If I say no, then it's a no" (F/N) exclaim and shift her gaze back at her laptop.

Oikawa clicked his tongue and groans.

"Fine! You never let me do anything" he exclaim, kicking the sofa.

(F/N) frowns.

"Tooru, what's with the attitude?"

"What attitude? I didn't do anything" Oikawa reply rudely.

"Didn't do anything? You just kicked the sofa..."

"So? It's just a sofa... We could buy a new one if it's broken.."

"Seriously, Tooru... You're acting like a 5 year old having a tantrum..."

"Oh so you're saying that I'm some dumb kid?"

"I never said that.."

"Well you just did" he spat and storm out of her office.

(F/N) sighs in frustration.

"He changed so much after the headache disappear... What's up with him?..." she muttered.

Sometimes later

"I don't understand why she needs to be such a wuss!" Oikawa huff in annoyance, crossing his arms while leaning on the chair.

"And why are you even desparated to go? You said yourself you can't handle hard drinks..." Kasamatsu reply, sweat dropped.

"Well, that's before! I can gurantee it won't be a problem to handle"

"I can see now why Jelavić said no to you..."

"Ugh... Now you're taking her side?"

"Oikawa... You have to understand... She's doing this for your own safety... What if that headache appears again like last time? She doesn't want to bother me to send you off or something"

"It's in the past right? Don't have to recall it... And the headache won't comeback.. Trust me... It disappeared a month ago"

"How are you even sure?"

"Ugh... Trust me for once will you? She's prohibiting me just because she doesn't allows me to have fun... It's just a drinking invitation... She lets me go to the bar last time and prohibited me to a club? Those two are the same thing..."

"I... have to disagree..."


"Bars and clubs are different... Bars serve drinks and a stress reliever with some good ways like having a small chat with the bartender or hanging out with friends and such.." Kasamatsu reply, sipping his coffee.

"For clubs... Yes, they do serve drinks and a stress reliever in some bad ways... They're gonna be strippers there... Do you want you two to fight again?"

"For the love of god, please don't bring that up... The past is the past... And it's not like I'm gonna cheat on her... It's too obvious that she didn't trust me fully.."

"After what she just saw that time? What do you think? She really thought you did cheat on her because you're seeing her client without her knowledge... Let me ask you... What will you do if you found out the same thing Jelavić discovered?" Kasamatsu stated, making Oikawa taken back.

He bit his bottom lip and look down.

"See? You'll have your heart broken too right? Loosen your trust on your loved ones?..."

"Shut it... Just shut it..."

Kasamatsu stares at him and sighs.

"I advice you give her an apology before things get worse.." Kasamatsu exclaim and sip his coffee.

But Oikawa on the otherhand didn't listen and didn't quit being stubborn.

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