Chapter 36: Explaination

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{3rd person POV}

"I'm here, (N/N)-Chan... What's the rush?.." Oikawa asked as he peek his head inside (F/N)'s office as he was called by Mira.

(F/N) stares at him and lean her body forward, resting her arms on the table with her hands intertwined.

"Step inside, Tooru..." she demanded as Oikawa obeys.

As soon he shut the door, he noticed a familiar purplenette sitting on the sofa with a pinknette beside him.

"James? What are you doing here?" Oikawa asked.

James didn't reply as he just look down.

"(N/N)-Chan? What's with the silentness?.. It's scarying me.." Oikawa exclaim as he step closer to (F/N)'s desk.

"I want you to explain this..." (F/N) exclaim, handing Oikawa a phone.

Oikawa blinks at her confusily and took it.

It was a video play.

He glances at (F/N) as she motion him to press it start.

Oikawa does as he asked for and watches the video.

He got his eyes widen in shock at the video he's watching.

"W-What?..." he cooed.

"I want explaination..." (F/N) demanded with a serious tone.

"(N-N/N)-Chan- I-I.. I-I.." Oikawa stuttered, disbelief what he just watch.

He then glances at the two sitting on the sofa but they just looks down, avoiding eye contact.


"H-Hunny... I swear I don't r-remember this was happening... I-I swear!" Oikawa exclaim.

(F/N) didn't reply anything as she still unconvinced with Oikawa's answer, keeping her furious and poker face.

"Please believe me, (N/N)-Chan! Please! You know I wouldn't cheat on you! I swear my mind was somewhere else that time and doesn't remember what happened!" Oikawa speak up.

"Oh really?"

"Y-Yes! You can trust me! I didn't know what or when it happened! I swear from the bottom of my heart! I wasn't aware of myself either!" Oikawa exclaim, afraid of losing (F/N)'s trust.

(F/N) still doesn't look unconvinced with his answer, hesistate to believe him.

"Please trust me, (N/N)-Chan... You know I love you only! Please! I'm begging you! Believe me, please..." Oikawa begged, holding (F/N)'s intertwine hands.

"I swear I'll make it up to you! I swear! Please just believe me for god sake! Please! How can I cheat on you after what you have done to me?! You're the first person that bring me to the real world, (N/N)-Chan! Just please..." Oikawa beg, tears started to form.

(F/N) stares at him and sighs.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you met up with Kira-san these past week without my knowledge.." (F/N) exclaim, making Oikawa taken back.

"K-Kira? W-Well, me and her are friends now so we h-hangout at the cafeteria-"

"And make her extended her work later than she suppose to? Yeah I don't think so... I want you... No... I order you to stop seeing her and stop this 'friendship' of yours with her..."

"H-Hah? B-But (N/N)-Chan-"

"It's either that or I'll considered you cheat on me.." (F/N) threaten with a terrifying glare.

Oikawa jolts in fear as he gulps nervously.

He then look down and bit his lips.


Upon hearing the counting, Oikawa flinches in surprise.




"F-Fine! I'll s-stop..." Oikawa exclaim.

(F/N) stares at him then stood up.

"Very well... She better be out of your sight or you'll be in big trouble, Tooru..." she exclaim and snatched the phone from Oikawa's grip.

She stops beside the couch and smiles at the two.

"Thank you for letting me know about this, James... Jessie..." she thanked as the besties stood up in respect.

"It's an honour to help, Jelavić-sama..." James reply, taking his phone.

"Come to my office tomorrow when you two arrive to claim your reward, alright?"

The besties look at eachother and salutes with a grin.

"Yes, ma'am!" They reply and excuse themselve out.

(F/N) just watches them walk out with a smile but turns back to her frown as soon Oikawa started to spoke.

"(N-N/N)-Chan... I..."

"Forget it, Tooru... Pack your things... I'll meet you at the parking lot..." (F/N) exclaim, walking out of her office without sparing Oikawa any glances.

Oikawa stood there helpless.

As soon (F/N) makes her way out, Oikawa cleanches his fist in anger.

"Damn it... You messed up so bad, Tooru..." he muttered and proceed to grab his bag from the sofa.

Inside the car

It was silent.

No one talks nor look at eachother.

Damian's driving, (F/N)'s on her phone and Oikawa looks outside the window.

He watches and watches until he realize something.

"Ah, we're not picking Iqram-Chan?" He asked.

Damian who heard him, glances at (F/N) who was sitting on the passanger seat, eyes still on her phone.

He sighs and looks back at the road.

"Iqram has a volleyball practice... Akashi-sama gonna send him home..." he reply.

Oikawa stuttered an "O-Ouh" and glances at (F/N).

"Hey, (N/N)-Chan... Are you still... mad at me?..." he asked hesistately.

(F/N) didn't reply, focusing on her phone.

Upon hearing no respond from her, Oikawa sighs and looks down.

Damian who glances at Oikawa by the middle mirror, felt bad and pity for him.

"(F/N)... You don't usually-"

"Focus on the road, Damian... Leave me alone..." (F/N) ordered as Damian sweat dropped.

As soon they arrive in their apartment, (F/N) quickly makes her way to their shared bedroom.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight..." she spoke while passing Oikawa.

"H-Huh? B-But-"

"Stop and don't bother me" (F/N) ordered and slam the door shut, causing the men to jolts in surprise.

Oikawa who was reaching out for her, bit his bottom lip.

"What did you do that makes her this pissed?.." Damian asked, turning at Oikawa.

Oikawa sighs and sits down at the couch.

"I accidentally 'did' something that loses her trust for me..." Oikawa muttered, covering his face with his palms.

Damian just looks at Oikawa and sighs as he makes his way to his room.

"I don't know how to make it up to her..." Oikawa exclaim, staring at the blank TV infront.

He then shut his eyes close.

'I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, (N/N)-Chan... I swear I wasn't aware that time... I don't know what's happening to me...' Oikawa thought.

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