Chapter 58: Shen Liangkeng People, Strong Maintenance

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"Major General Ling's good arrow technique!"

Shen Liang did not hesitate to express his appreciation, and at the same time picked up another apple and placed it on top of his head, Ling Yucheng looked at him with complicated eyes, and pulled the bow and arrow again.

"Not good..." "Ah..."

"Shen Liang!"

Perhaps Shen Liang's calmness is too easy to confuse people, or maybe Ling Yucheng is too nervous, the second arrow shot out of the moment is a little off, Ling Yucheng reflexively wants to drop the bow and arrow to rush up, many people are frightened and screaming, many people are even more nervous to stand up, the speeding sharp arrow rubbed Shen Liang's cheeks flew by, a few strands of hair fluttered on the ground, the whole scene was suddenly silent.

Ling Yucheng, who had rushed to the halfway point, stopped his steps, and Pei Yuanxian, who was also almost rushing out, also relaxed, and Feng Liang looked at Shen Liang with a little anger that even he didn't know, and the little guy was playing too much this time.

"There is one last arrow left, and Major General Ling may want to aim at it."

What I didn't expect was that the first to break the silence was actually Shen Liang, and everyone also found out until this time that he had never been nervous from beginning to end, even if the arrow just now was slightly offended would kill him, so far, not only the older generation, but also many young people could not help but wonder what Shen Liang, who was only fifteen years old, had experienced in the end, why did he still not move like a mountain in the face of life and death?

Anyone will be afraid in the moment of life and death, this is the nature of man, no one can avoid it, but Shen Liang jumped out of this category hard, his calmness, his calmness, his fearlessness shocked everyone present, and once again made people look at him with astonishment, including Ling Yucheng, who competed with him.

Ling Yucheng grew up on the battlefield, the youth won the ambition, it is inevitable to be brazen and sharp, but compared with those teenagers in the imperial city who grew up in the plots and tricks in the backyard, he is much simpler, there are not so many flowers and intestines, and what he sees will be carried out to the end, just as he looked at Shen Jing at a glance, and for two years, regardless of the gossip outside, he always pursued her, and he, advocating the strong, even if Shen Liang looked like a war slag, But his heart made him have to admire.

"I won't apologize for challenging you."

But I will admire you and treat you as a friend from the bottom of my heart!

Ling Yucheng's eyes were sharp, and he drew his bow and shot the arrow again, this time, he simply shot an arrow directly into the sky, ending his shot in the most incredible way.

Useless stuff!

Shen Jing, who saw this scene in the audience, couldn't help scolding, but his face did not dare to show a single point, because before Shen Liang's words, although he did not say his name in public, many people began to notice him, especially the mighty general's palace and the Third Princess Concubine, she could feel their blade-like eyes falling on him from time to time.

"It's your turn."

No matter what others thought, on the field, Ling Yucheng personally handed the bow and arrow to Shen Liang, took the apple above his head, and was just about to put it on his head, suddenly as if thinking of something, he raised his head and asked, "How is your arrow technique?"

After he asked, many people present couldn't help but feel a little sad, before they had been subconsciously feeling that Shen Liang was looking for death, they didn't think that Shen Liang was also going to shoot three arrows at Ling Yucheng, if he really had no power to bind the chicken as they thought, then Ling Yucheng wouldn't ...

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