ꜰᴏʀ ᴍʏ ʙᴇsᴛꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ - sʜɪɴᴅᴏᴜ ᴛᴀᴋᴜᴛᴏ

180 5 0

No one's POV

"I'm sorry." The grey haired boy stated, sitting beside his girlfriend. The girl turned to him and raised a brow. She didn't know what he was sorry for, he hadn't done anything to her, or anything that would upset her in any way.

"Sorry for?" The girl asked, trying to look into his eyes, but he didn't look at her. He placed his fingers above the keys of the piano, wanting to press the notes and play a piece for her one last time. "Shindou?" The girl said again.

"Listen, Y/n.." Shindou trailed off, removing his hand from the piano and holding onto Y/n's hands. He still refused to look at her at this moment.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" The girl was slightly concerned. He would always look her in the eyes when talking.

"I want to break up with you." He wished he didn't ever have to say these words to her, but he did. Y/n quickly removed her hand from Shindou's. She was feeling two things at the moment. Confused, and upset. Upset because her boyfriend probably doesn't love her anymore, and confused because she didn't know what she did to make him not like her anymore.

"Why? Did I do something wrong—"

"No. No, it's not that." Shindou interrupted the girl, finally looking at her. He fought the urge to hold her hand again, but he knew she wouldn't like it, atleast not right now. "I'm just stressed and all, this whole time travelling thing is messing with my brain, we have to save soccer and it's all making me go mad I don't know what to do! I don't think I can handle a relationship and do this all at once—" He lied. That wasn't the actual reason, but he needed a believable excuse. Y/n nodded, completely understanding

"I understand, I'd be stressed too." Y/n said, giving him a small smile. "I'm just glad you let me know,  are we still friends?" Y/n asked. She was praying he'd say yes. Yes that they were still going to be friends.

"Of course, still, I'm so sorry." Shindou apologised. Y/n shook her head.

"Don't be, you have your reasons for breaking up with me." Y/n said. Shindou smiled and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her for the last time. They let go of each other and Shindou pointed towards the piano.

"Can we play one more song together before we go our different ways?" Shindou asked. Y/n nodded happily. They placed their fingers over the keys and began to play. It felt just like the first time they had played together. It was for an assignment and Y/n was nervous at first when she got paired up with Shindou. He was a fantastic piano player and she was scared that he'd would get annoyed because of her piano playing skills. Surprisingly, he helped her improve and they ended up getting the highest grade in the class. Ever since then, they'd always play together and soon.. they fell inlove.

Once they finished, Shindou stood up and headed to the door. He placed his hand on the handle and felt Y/n's eyes staring right at him. He could tell she was upset, during to piece they played, he'd glance at her every now and then. She had a few noticeable tears in her eyes.

"Take care, Y/n." Shindou gave her one last look before leaving the music room and heading down the corridors. While he was doing that, he bumped into his bestfriend, who also happened to have a crush on Y/n.

"Hey Shindou! You okay?" The pink haired boy asked. Shindou shook his head. "Hm? Something bothering you?"

"I broke up with Y/n." Shindou stated. Kirino's jaw dropped. He shook his head and raised his brow.

"Aren't you inlove with her..?"

"Yeah, but the stress of saving soccer got to me, I can't handle a relationship anymore." Shindou lied once again. "Please check on her though, she in the music room. Comfort her, please." Shindou requested. Kirino nodded and sprinted to the the music room, walking through the door and shutting it behind him.

"My friends before myself.." Shindou whispered to himself, fixing his posture and continued to walk while carrying the  biggest regret he's ever made on his shoulders. He tried not to show any regret though, he didn't want anyone worrying about him. He just wanted other to get what they wanted and be satisfied with their life, even if that means putting them before himself. Like what he's done right now. Kirino loves Y/n. Probably more than Shindou loves Y/n. That's why he gave her up, cause he knew he'd never be able to love Y/n more than Kirino. It's sad seeing your best friend getting with the girl of your dreams, too.


They saved soccer, everyone. Everything was finally back to normal, no more soccer ban, the timelines were fixed and Coach Endou was back.

Shindou looked to the side of him and saw his ex girlfriend running up to his best friend. Yes, best friend as in Kirino. They hugged eachother and the boy picked up Y/n. Shindou smiled at the sight infront of him. It was indeed true love that they felt for each other. The boy sometimes wished he had never given up Y/n for his best friend, but he felt it was the right thing to do. 

"All for my best friend." Shindou smiled to himself before walking off to celebrate with the others.


Hey everyone! I just wanted to say tysm for 1k reads!!! I didn't think I would ever get that many reads, so thanks, I rlly appreciate it!!

Also, my new book will be published in the next week or two, so please check it out when it does get published.

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