ᴛʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ - ɪʙᴜᴋɪ ᴍᴜɴᴇᴍᴀsᴀ

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Your POV

Everyone was training for our next match, we didn't want to risk loosing. I mean, we are representing Japan, we don't want to let our country down. Me and Matatagi were sitting down on the bench, drinking water. That's when I remembered something.

"Matatagi, do you know where Ibuki is?" I asked. 

"Dunno, he's probably practicing by himself again." Matatagi replied.


"Mhm, he's been doing it all week because of Shindou."

"What did Shindou do?" I asked. 

"Shindou keeps doubting Ibuki's goalkeeper abilities."

"I think he's a pretty good goalkeeper."

"Of course you do, you're inlove with him!" Matatagi laughed. I began to blush and looked around.

"Shut up! Someone could hear you!" I said. Matatagi stopped laughing and looked at me.

"When are you going to tell him?"


"The whole team knows you like him Y/n, you make it so obviously! Even Tenma found out, and he's the densest person on the team. You should just tell him before it's too late." Matatagi said.

"What do you mean too late?" I asked. Matatagi ignored me and stood up. 

"It's almost time for dinner, let's go." Matatagi stated, walking away from me.

"W-wait for me!" I said. I quickly stood up and ran over to Matatagi. We both headed to our changing rooms and got changed. 

"Y/n! I thought you were still going to practice." Sakura said, brushing her hair.

"I was, but it's getting kinda dark." I replied. I looked at Konoha and she looked a little scared. I'm getting that she's still getting used to the team.

"Are you okay, Konoha?" I asked. She nodded and slowly walked away with her hands near her chest.

"I wonder when she'll decide to open up to us." Sakura said, tying up her hair into a bun.

"Same.." I muttered. I quickly got changed and headed out with Sakura.


We were eating dinner now and I looked around the dining room. 

"Looking for someone, Y/n?" Minaho asked. I nodded.

"I bet it's Ibuki~" Sakura said, poking my shoulder.

"Shut up." I slapped her hand away.

"Y/n just be honest.." Tetsukado said.

"Y/n we all know you like him, you might as well tell him you love him. There's a 50/50 chance he likes you back." Tsurugi said. I slammed my head on the table and sighed. I lifted my head back up and Tenma pointed at my forehead.

"Your forehead is turning red!" He said.

"Forget about that, Captain! Right now, we're trying to get Ibuki and Y/n to talk to each other." Manabe said.

Konoha tugged on my shirt sleeve and pulled me down a little so that her mouth was able to reach my ear. "I think.. Ibuki might.. like you." She whispered. I blushed a little and she let go of my sleeve.

"Y-you think so?" I asked. Konoha nodded slowly.

"Okay guys, we need a plan. Don't worry though, me and Aoi made a plan on how she can talk to him. Aoi! Come here!" Shindou said. Aoi came over with the biggest piece of rolled up paper I've ever seen.

"Where did you even find that?-" 

"Not the point, Kusaka!"

"Why are there so many drawings?"

"Manabe let's just listen to what they have to say."

"Okay so, Minaho can distract Ibuki for a while until Y/n comes over with me and Sakura, then, me and Sakura tell Ibuki that Y/n needs help training. If Ibuki is nice enough, he'll help her train. If not, Tenma will come over and say that he has to help her train. If that also doesn't work, Coach will come over and say you two need to train together." Shindou explained.

"Wait- coach knows too?" I asked. Everyone nodded their heads.

"Won't the plan need to be in action when we have training, which is tomorrow?" Tsurugi asked. Aoi nodded.

"Don't we want her to talk to him today though?" Tetsukado asked. Everyone sighed.

"This is never going to work.." I muttered. Sakura suddenly gasped and looked at me with a smirk.

"Sakura why are you staring at me like tha-"

"I know, give him these! I bet he's still training, so you should go find him in the training area." Sakura said, handing me a plate full of onigiri.

"Wait but I didn't-"

"Y/n if you don't give it to him I'll tell him you like him." Matatagi said. He was practically glaring at me.

"Okay, okay!" I got up from my seat and headed out the dining room. I was actually worried about Ibuki because the only time I would see him eat is breakfast. Other than that, he'd probably come in for a small snack and head out for training once again. I walked into the black room and I saw Ibuki using one of the holograms. I looked around and tried to find the off button for the hologram. Once I turned the hologram off, I could hear Ibuki yelling.

"What was that for!" Ibuki yelled. He wasn't facing me. I stayed silent. He turned around at looked a little surprised.

"L/n-san?" Ibuki said. "You rarely come to see me, by yourself, is something wrong?"  I smiled and walked over to him with the plate of onigiri.

"No need to call me by my last name, you can call me Y/n. You're the only one on the team who calls me L/n." I said. We both sat on the floor and I handed him the plate.

"You have to eat all your meals, Ibuki. I'm getting concerned.." I said. I looked at Ibuki and he was eating like a wild animal.

"How is he not choking?" I thought.

I sighed and looked at the floor.

"L/- I mean Y/n, how come your concerned about me? Why do you care about me." Ibuki asked.

"Now.. let me think.." I said. I brought my knees to my chest.

"Well, you're apart of this team and I care about everyone on this team. Mostly you, though. I don't know why but I've had this strange attraction to you. You're always working really hard, especially when Shindou is always doubting you. Though, I don't think he's really doubting you, maybe trying to encourage you to do even better than you already can. Basically, what I'm trying to tell you is that I really like you and-" I then realised that I had went off topic and my face became hot. Ibuki's jaw dropped a little, he's probably shocked after everything I said.

"I'm sorry, said to much, didn't I?" I asked. Ibuki didn't reply. That's when I was about to get up and leave. Ibuki grabbed my wrist and forced me to sit down on the floor again. I groaned and looked at Ibuki, who had a serious expression. Oh no.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I made you mad but I can explain-" I was cut off with a pair of lips touching mine. 

"I like you too, Y/n." Ibuki smiled.  "I never thought you'd like me back though."

"Oh my gosh.. Konoha was right.." I whispered to myself. 

"What was that?"

"O-oh, nothing!"

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