Chapter 6: Questioning the Unquestionable

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*I decided to update again since I already have almost 20 chapters written*

Alison POV:
"Can we go to my house first?" Emily asks as we skate down the street.

"Sure." I reply.

She takes a detour, and after a few minutes we end up at a beautiful two story house. It has bushes lined up in the front, and super green grass.

"You can meet my mom." Emily says simply.

We go inside, and Emily runs up the stairs with her longboards.

I'm about to follow her when a brunette haired boy walks out from what I'm guessing is the kitchen.

"Hey, I'm Tyler." He says.

"Alison." I say with a smile.

He's a little shorter than Emily. He's got the same gorgeous brown eyes, and tan complexion.

"Tyler, leave her alone." Emily says as she bounds down the stairs.

"I was just saying hi." He says. "Besides, she's more your type than mine." He whispers with a wink.

"I heard that." I say.

"For your information Tyler, Maya is the complete opposite of Alison." Emily says.

"W-Who's Maya?" I ask.

"Emily's girlfriend back in Philly." Tyler answers for Emily, and Emily slaps his arm.

"You can leave now." Emily says and points up the stairs.

"No, thanks."

"It wasn't a question." Emily says, and ruffles his hair.

"Not the hair!" He shrieks.

Just then an older woman comes into the room. She looks a little like Emily, and Tyler. Not exactly. They must get their looks from their dad. ...Where is their dad exactly?

"Emily, Tyler-Oh, you must be Alison!" She exclaims as she looks up.

"Whatever it is, Tyler can do it. I'm walking Alison home." Emily says.

"Tyler, go put the clean dishes away." Mrs. Fields says.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Fields." I say with a warm smile.

"Oh, please! Call me Pam!" She says happily.

"Mom, we're going to go now." Emily says, and gives her a hug.

"Okay. Be careful."

We go outside and Emily grabs another longboard that's leaning against the wall.

"How many of those do you have?" I laugh.

"Only five." She answers, and shrugs he shoulders.

"Here. Get on." She says, and sets it down on the street.

"Why'd you bring it if I'm going to ride on it?" I ask.

"I'm going to ride it home. You can ride it now." She says.

I step on, and she pushes me, almost causing me to fall. I yelp, and lean backwards.

She puts her hands on my hips and helps steady me.

I push my foot and go faster as Emily runs behind me.

(A/N Relationship goals)

"Bye, Ali...son. Alison. Bye, Alison!" Emily yells as I go into my house.

"Bye, Em...ily. Emily. Bye, Emily!" I mock her and she sticks her tongue out at me.

She gets on the longboard and pushes off, speeding down the street.

Juan week later

Emily POV:
"So, what've you been up to? Besides sleeping with the enemy?" Hanna asks me.

"I am gay, yes. But I'm not sleeping with Alison." I reply.

"Whatever. What've you been up to, though?" She asks.

"Nothing much. I've been exploring Rosewood with Tyler." I answer her.

"If he wasn't fifteen, I'd probably date him." She says with a sigh as Tyler walks over.

"You have Caleb."

"There's such thing as threesomes, love triangles, and sharing." She says in a 'duh' tone.

"You are ridiculous." I laugh.

"Hey, ladies. How's it goin'?" Tyler asks as she takes a seat next to me.

"Good." I say simply, and shrug my shoulders.

"A-okay." Hanna adds.

"Cool." Tyler replies.

Just then Alison walks by and barely even glances at me.

"What was that about?" Hanna says annoyed.

"I guess she's only friends with me outside of school." I say.

"Oh, how's baby sitting?" Hanna questions with a smirk.

"It's fine. Eden really likes me." I respond proudly.

We go inside the school with Spencer and Aria and it's still the same.

People staring at me, guys hitting on me, and Alison looking at me annoyed.

I'm not sure what her problem is. She must be bipolar...Or needs some action. Bad.

We've been hanging out a lot lately, but only outside of school.

She's actually a really nice person, but she's rude to me at school. Even though I'm the one people mostly pay attention to.

If she were to talk to me at school, I'm sure I could bring up her socialization and popularity count.

I sound selfish and conceded. And like a total bitch...That's only on the weekends. I'm that girl that is the complete opposite while out of school. Tyler knows.

Anyways, Alison is a nice person. Deep down buried in all that beauty and bitchiness is a nice person.

We've shared lots of laughs over the last week, and we've gotten somewhat close. But at school she gives me glares and ignores me.

Something happened to her. Something she doesn't want to tell anyone. Something that's eating her alive from the inside out.

And I will find it out.

Alison POV:
I've been avoiding Emily all week, but that's because I'm questioning something that's never had to be questioned in my family.

I'm questioning the unquestionable.

And that is...Am I gay?

That's why I ignore her at school, and give her dirty looks.

I can't fall for her.

My family would disown me and throw me out on the street.

I don't even think I'm gay, I think it's just Emily.

She makes me feel happy and alive.

Like that one time she robbed the gas station.

She gives me this rush of adrenaline that I never had.

She's such a complex person, and I want to know more about her.

So the real question is...

Am I falling for Emily?


The picture is Tyler.

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