Chapter 21

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●Tyler's POV●

Tonight we planned to all go out for drinks because it's a Friday. Kaylan and i were cuddling on the couch watching Unfriended (let's act like it's on DVD XD). We were up to the part where the chubby kid put his hand in the blender. I started laughing cause their acting was horrible. Kaylan looked at me like I had two heads. "What?" I asked. She pointed to behind me and started getting scared. I jumped up and freaked out. It was just Kalin is some creepy ass mask. They were laughing their asses off while I was sitting there with my arms crossed. "Oh babe lighten up" Kaylan laughed. I kept pouting then Kaylan straddled me. She tried kissing me but I moved my head. "Babe" she whined. She leaned in again and i kissed her. "No PDA!" Myles shouted covering his eyes. It was 9 pm and we were all dressed in clubbing outfits. "Ok let's go!" Jay said. We all got into Myles car and drove off. We arrived and parked the car. We skipped to the front because Kalin and Myles. All of us walked to the bar and started doing some shots. After like 6 shots everything became a blur.

●Kaylan's POV●

After 6 shots I dragged Tyler to the dance floor. 'Paradise' by Big Sean started playing. I started grinding and yiking on him. I saw Jay doing the same on Kalin. Tyler said he had to go to the bathroom so I took a break and sat on the couches next to Myles. "Where's your boyfriend" Myles yelled over the music. "He went to the bathroom" I yelled back. He passed me a shot and we took It together. I put the glass down and laid back. I had this urge to go pee. "I'll be right back" I yelled over the music. I walked to the bathroom and quickly did my business. I heard moaning in the guys bathroom. Some people are just nasty af. "OH MY GOD TYLER MMMM!" Some girl yelled. "That's not my name baby girl" he growled. "DADDY!MMMM" the girl moaned. My boyfriend was boning some chick while he was here with his girlfriend.. wow. I ran out of the bathroom and ran to Myles. "Can you take me home please" I asked while crying. "Yeah yeah what happened" he said putting his jacket over me. "T-tyler was boning some girl in the bathroom" I cried. Jay and Kalin ran over. "WHAT HAPPENED!" Jay yelled. "Tyler was having sex with some other girl in the bathroom" I cried as I walked out. "Ok it's gonna be ok" Mykes said trying to calm me down. I sat down on the floor and took off my heels cause my feet were killing me. I held them in one hand while i limped because my feet really really hurt. "Come here" Myles said holding out his arms. He picked me up and i buried my head in his neck. He put me in the passenger seat while Jay and Kalin hopped in the back. Myles got in the drivers seat and we drove back to the house. Jay and Kalin went back to Kams house and Myles and i went to mine.

●Myles POV●

I carried her up to her bedroom so she could take a shower. I walked back downstairs to find some chips or something to eat. I made two sandwiches and put some chips on the side. Kaylan came down in sweatpants and my obey sweatshirt. I chuckled and asked "You still have that?". "Yeah" she chuckled. "Here i made some food" I said handing her the plate. She grabbed it and we sat on the couch watching tv. "So uh.. i don't know what to ask. Like if I ask if your ok obviously you aren't so yeah.. but how are you holding up?" I asked her and she smiled. "Not that good but I'll eventually get through it" she said looking down. I feel bad because I put her through this also. She yawned and then strechted. "Young sleepy?" I said and laughed. "Yeah" she said starting to close her eyes. I carried her back upstairs to her bed and put the covers over her. I walked out of her bedroom and closed the door. I slept on the couch.

●Kaylan's POV●

After Myles closed my door I got up and walked into the bathroom in my room. I locked the door behind me and sat on the lip of the tub. Why.. how can i be so fucking stupid! It's all my fault of course, I trusted him. I looked in the mirror and saw my mascara spread all around my eyes and my eyes were red and puffy. I opened up the cabinet and grabbed out some pills. I turned on the bath and sat in it (yes with her clothes on XD). I took about 12 pills and slipped into the tub. The water rose over my head and I started feeling light headed. The last thing I remember was hearing the door burst open before everything went black.

●Myles POV●

I was downstairs in the couch and i heard the bath run. Wait but didn't Kaylan already take a shower? I walked upstairs to her room and i opened up her bedroom door. I saw some water leaking out the door. I started banging on it and calling out for her. I soon enough break down the door and saw her trying to drown herself in it. I grabbed her body out but she wasn't responding. I quickly called 911 and they sent an ambulance over. I carried her body outside right when the ambulance arrived. I got in and they drove off to the hospital. When we got in I rushed in with them. "Sir you can't go past this point" the nurse said. "BUT I HAVE TO SEE HER!" I yelled trying to get out of their grip. "Sir! Sir! I need you to calm down please!" The nurse said holding me back. I walked back to the waiting room and called Jay and Kalin. M- Myles j- Jay

J- what's up myles?
M- Get down to the hospital now!
J- Whats wrong!
M- Kaylan tried drowning herself just please get down here!
*hangs up*

After about 5 minutes later Jay and Kalin arrive running over to me. "What happened!" Jay said hugging me. " I don't even know! I just caught her drowning herself in the bathroom.. it's probably well... most likely the Tyler thing" I said.

*an hour later*

"Family of Kaylan" the nurse from the front desk said. Jay fell asleep so Kalin carried her in his arms. We walked up to the nurse. "How is she doing?" I asked.

A/N- Heyy! Sorry I forgot to update yesterday and here's a short cliffhanger. Comment below what you guys expect to happen next or what you want to happen next. Smh tyler..

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