Chapter 17

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●Tyler's POV●

After swimming in the pool we dried off and decided to watch netflix. She walked up to the tv and find the remote. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my fave into her neck. "Kaylan can I ask you something?" I said and she turned around wrapping her arms around my neck "Yes" she said smiling. "I know its all kinda sudden but im really falling for you and I swear to you on my life I would never hurt you so what I'm trying to say is.. will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her. (HELL TO THE MOTHERFUCKING YES! Sorry not sorry myles♡). She bit her lip and then kissed me. "I'll take that as a yes?" I said. She nodded her head then pressed her lips against mine. "Ok now what do you wanna watch princess" I said while she picked out a movie. "What about.. frozen?" She said and I laughed. "Ok little girl" I said then sat down while she but it in. She plopped on my lap and laid down on my chest. The movie started off with singing of course and she was mumbling the words. I smiled at the thought of how childish she could be.

●Myles POV●

I walked into my house and saw Lycia making food. She walked over and pecked my lips "How is your friend doing" she asked going back to the food. "Shes... shes fine" I said sitting on the couch. "Well I made some spaghetti if you want some" she said dipping herself a bowl of it. "Uh yeah thanks babe but I'm not hungry" I said fiddling my fingers. "Whats wrong" she said facing me. "Nothing everythings fine" I said smiling. Meanwhile there was something wrong I just let her slip anyway. I still love Kaylan...i always will.

A/N~ NIGGA THEN WHY IS YOU WITH LYCIA! XD ok guys I put a link in my bio can you please click it and sign up! I wanna try to win something from the KAMFAM street team♡. Ok the goals for this time is 15+ votes and 15+ comments and Amira no you cannot spam writing random letters that doesn't count XD.

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