Chapter 16

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AYEE! 4K THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! And the SOTC- A little too much by/ Shawn Mendes// have it on repeat bevause it goes for the whole chapter.

●Jay's POV●

When Myles had called me and told me Kaylan was in the hospital I knew it was because of him. I dashed to the hospital and told Kalin to meet me there. I ran in there and asked them if she was out of surgery yet. They said no and I saw Myles slumped over in a chair with that chick Lycia rubbing his back. I grabbed him and made him stand up. I punched him across his jaw and then smacked him. "This is your fault! You broke her heart before and now you break her heart again with yet another slut! Stay away from her or else I will kill you next time!" I said in his face. Kalin came rushing in and held me back from ripping Lycias head off. We sat at the opposite side of the waiting room. He held me in his arms as I cried. What if i lost her she's my life. We've been through hell and back, through thick and thin. "Family of Kaylan" the nurse said. Kalin and I walked over to her. "Ok we were able to get all the pills out of her throat. She will make a full recovery. For now she will need her rest and she has a breathing tub in her mouth just for support" she said. "Thank you so much and what room is she in?" Kalin asked. "Room 256" she said smiling. We got in the elevator to floor 2 and ran to her room. She was awake and saw her with the breathing tube. She was talking to the doctor. "Hi Doc how is she?" I asked. "She will be ok for now" he said smiling then walking out. "What were you thinking you could've died!" I said hugging her. "Hey hey I'm ok" she said rubbing my back. "By the way one of the nurses hooked me up with this bomb grilled cheese sandwich" she said and we laughed. "Ahhh Kaylan is back" Kalin said. We all laughed and just chill back. Kaylan stared at the door and I saw Myles there. Me and Kalin stepped outside and let him talk to Kaylan.

●Kaylan's POV●

Myles sat in there chair in front of my bed. "What do you want" I said while my eyes wander around the room. "I think we should breakup" he said looking down. "No shit sherlock! You've been cheating on me yet I was stupid enough to trust you again and then you broke my heart... again" i yelled. "I know I know and I'm not ready to stay committed to someone I'm sorry" he said then walked out. I curled up into a blanket Jay gave me and cried. She came in and laid down next to me and hugged me. "I'll be back in the morning with some clothes for you guys" Kalin said smiling then kissing Jay. I fell asleep next to Jay on the hospital bed. Surprisingly it was kinda comfy with both of us on here XD.

*Next Morning*

●Kalins POV●

I woke up around 8 and grabbed two of my sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants for each if the girls. I slipped on my Adidas slippers and drove to In-N-Out foe the girls and of course myself. Tyler texted me saying he wanted to come. So i swung by his house and picked him up. "So dude what made you wanna come?" I said driving to the hospital. "Well I wanted to see how Kaylan was doing" he said. "Oh my god.. you like her! You like her you have a crush on her" i chanted. He punched my arm to make me stop. "Ok maybe but i dont wanna rush her cause she just broke up with Myles" he said. "How did you know that" i asked raising my eyebrows. "Myles came back to the house crying and he was drinking with that slut Lycia" he said and we laughed. We arrived at the hospital and he grabbed the food while i grabbed the girls clothes. We walked in and the nurses let us go to the room since they knew me. I got to there room and knocked on the door. I heard laughter and so I opened the door. I saw the girls scrolling through their phones watching vines. "Hey guys" I said scaring them and they dropped their phones on their faces. Me ad Ty were hysterically laughing. "Thanks Kalin" Kaylan said shooting me a death glare. I tossed her and Jay their clothes and we stepped out so they could change. "Oh my god she's really hot and cute" Tyler said leaning against the wall. "Slow your roll man" I said chuckling. They opened up their door and Kaylan sat back down on her bed. "Hey ty" she said and hugged him. "Hey how are you feeling?" He asked her.

●Tyler's POV●

"I'm feeling better thanks" she smiled. "Oh here me and K got you guys some food" I said chuckling ad handing her a burger. "Yas thank the lords... and you guys" she laughed. We had a short conversation until we all left. "So where do you guys wanna go?" Kalin asked. "Well I'm tired so imma go home and take a nap but probably watch some netflix who wanna join?" Kaylan said laying back in her set in the car. "I'll come I have nothing to do" I said smiling. "Okaaayyyy" she said. We chuckled and just sat back and talked on the way home.

*At her house*

"Ok ok I bet you can't balance a grape on your nose" she said laughing. "Oh but i can" I said. I grabbed a grape and balanced it on my nose. It was about to fall so I put it in my mouth. We laughed and just kept going back and fourth. "Ok so what does the loser get and what does the winner get" I asked. "Ok the winner gets a kiss and the loser has to jump in the pool" she said biting her lip. "Sounds good to me" I said running my hand through my hair. "Ok i bet you cant put a grape inbetween your toes and eat it while balancing a grape on your head" i told her. "That's complicated!" She whined. "Well it's a bet" I said. "I give up!" She said putting her hands up in surrender. "Loser has to jump in the pool" I chanted. She laughed and we walked outside. She jumped in the pool and i laughed at her. She came above the water and pulled me in. I came above water and we were face to face. "And now the winner aka Me" I said smiling, "gets a kiss". She wrapped her legs around my torso. I cupped her cheeks and we slowly leaned in. Our lips pressed up against eachothers and sparks exploded inside on me. Our lips moved in sync and we pulled slowly and stared into eachothers eyes. "Woah" she whispered. "Yea" I said and we chuckled.

A/N- Tyler+Kaylan=Taylan or Kyler. Yay? Or Nay? And also guys make sure you comment cause imma start doing goals so for next chapter I'm gonna need 10+ votes and 10+ comments ♡

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