50. Stay for Dinner

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"Are you okay?"


A reprimanding gaze, "you didn't even think before answering," Hu Jing Yao said as he helped Yu Hua into a sitting position so that he could drink some water.

"What happened? Where am I?" Yu Hua asked after taking a sip of the warm water. He felt like a human doll, carried around constantly. He was at home when he closed his eyes, but then he opened them in the CEO's bed. He was in Mr. Hu's living room when everything went dark, and now he was in a foreign bed. Jeez!

Well, at least, the throbbing pain in his head was gone finally alongside his dizziness for good. It was something, right?

"You collapsed in the living room, so my father put you in my room and called Dr. Chen," Hu Jing Yao enlightened the actor as he poured some special congee from a thermos into a bowl.

"Oh." What else could he say? He wanted to keep that ominous meeting in secret, but in the end, the CEO was there, taking care of him. Again.

"Don't overthink," the CEO brought his embarrassed soul back and handed him the bowl.

"Thank you," Yu Hua whispered and took a spoon of the delicious food. They sat in silence for a while until the CEO couldn't take it anymore.

"I heard you defended me."

Yu Hua threw him a hesitant glance before saying "I just told the truth, well, I might have been a bit disrespectful though. I should apologise to Mr. Hu before I leave."

"It is okay, father is not angry," Hu Jing Yao grabbed the bowl and put it on the bedside table again, "can I ask why though? You could just get the check or walk away."

"I..." What? Love you?

"You...?" Please, say you love me.

"I am indebted to you in every way possible, so I know you are a good man. Even though it is a business relationship between us, I wanted to stand by your side."

"Oh, thank you." Business relationship? Tssk.

"Did you..." Realising what he was about to ask, he left the question unfinished. He lowered his head and stared at his fingers as if they were suddenly so interesting.

Being used to his hanging questions, Hu Jing Yao put his long fingers under the actor's chin and raised his head as usual, "did I...?"

Yu Hua felt the warmth spreading from where the CEO was holding to his entire body and his mind got fuzzy. As a result, he blurted out "did you talk well with your ex?"

Hearing the underlying jealousy in his voice, Hu Jing Yao's heart jolted. Smiling allusively, he said "I did."

"Good," Yu Hua murmured with the fakest of smiles and gently pushed the CEO's hand, "I should go home."

"Don't you wonder what we talked about?"

Yu Hua froze, his hand tight around the quilt. He sucked in a shaky breath and forced himself to say, "it is your business, I have no right to ask."

"Hmm," Hu Jing Yao murmured, hiding his smile, "okay then."

Biting his lower lip, Yu Hua left the bed from the other side as the other man didn't move an inch from his spot. He walked around the bed to get his shoes, but the CEO grabbed his arm, pinning him.

"Stay for dinner."

"What?!" Yu Hua almost shouted.

"You heard me," the calm man stood up as well, "I want to introduce you to my family by myself."

"Your father hates me," Yu Hua stated matter-of-factly, thinking there was something wrong with the CEO's brain.

"No, he doesn't," Hu Jing Yao shook his head with a smile, "he told me he wants to know the man whom I cherish that much."


"Great," the clearly smirking man said as if the shocked man replied and pulled him to the bathroom which was inside the room so that the actor could get refreshed before dinner.

When they made it downstairs, Mr. Hu and Hu Bei were already seated around the circle table, waiting for them.

With a smile and force, Hu Jing Yao pushed Yu Hua on an empty seat and he took the other one, then he introduced his father (again) and Hu Bei.

Fidgeting uncomfortably, the actor said "Mr. Hu, I want to-"

"Are you okay now?" Mr. Hu didn't let him finish.

"Ah, I am fine, thank you, but I want-"

"Good then," the old man interrupted him again with a slight smile, "let's eat."

On a cue, the butler entered with their dinner. Once the butler left, Hu Bei leaned towards the actor and asked "are you sure about your choice?"

"I am sorry?" Yu Hua asked timidly.

Hu Bei grinned, showing his even teeth, "as you met me, I am sure you are aware that I am more charming than my brother. If you want to re-evalu- OUUCH!"

"Finally! Thank you, father," Hu Jing Yao said with a satisfied smile while Hu Bei rubbed the spot on his arm where his father hit him.

"My pleasure," Mr. Hu replied and turned his gaze to Yu Hua, "don't even think, this son of mine is notorious for being a playboy. He only has the look, but inside is rotten."

"FATHER!" Hu Bei exclaimed with disappointment and all the others chuckled, including Yu Hua, no matter how small it was.

Hu Bei pouted for a second, then swiftly grabbed Yu Hua's hand, "don't listen to my father, beauty, I am an amazing lover."

"Well," Yu Hua saved his hand, "I am the CEO's..."



I am back as I promised^^ Thank you for your patience, votes and comments <3<3<3

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