24. A Merry Day

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How the hell I missed the chance to apologise?!

Hu Jing Yao heaved a sigh, shaking his head with disbelief. On the previous day, he made such a progress, making Yu Hua eat with him. There was no hostility in the air, so the CEO could easily apologise... yet, he couldn't push the words out of his stubborn mouth. Still, Yu Hua seemed very touched by his gesture, so he kept his hopes up for reconciliation.

He didn't even bother thinking anymore about why he cared that much.

Even though the main concern of the CEO was to make it up with the actor, he didn't forget about the foul play the director pulled on the lunch. He oscillated between reprimanding the man in front of the crew and threatening him privately, but at the end he decided to be more vulpine just like the director. Who knew maybe he could also use the opportunity to melt the ice completely between Yu Hua and himself.

Thinking about six minutes, he came up with a plan and left his office after finishing half of his work.

When he arrived on the set, he didn't leave his car deliberately, waiting for the lunch break for the impact of his action. Patiently, he dealt with some work using his tablet and when he saw they were wrapping up, he sent his driver to the closest coffee shop with a very specific order.

When the order came, the CEO got the coffee holder which had five coffees on it and walked towards the main actors all of whom were looking at the little screen with the director, except Yu Hua. He was standing on a corner, talking with someone on the phone.

"Mr. Hu!" they all beamed, seeing the handsome CEO bringing them coffee.

Hu Jing Yao smiled at them warmly, "I thought I must have rewarded your hard work," he said nicely and handed a cup to Na Na, Lu Mei, Dan Li and Jing Yong, respectively. When he handed the fourth one, Yu Hua came back and the director looked at the CEO inquiringly.

"Oh, I see there was a mistake with the numbers," Hu Jing Yao said with a fake sadness, unknowingly being too close to the statement Mr. Lin said to Yu Hua.

"You should take the last one, Mr. Hu," the director urged the CEO politely while Yu Hua just stared at them blankly. He already had the meal from the CEO, so he wouldn't mind not getting a coffee. He was used to the treatment anyway.

"No way," Hu Jing Yao declared, but still grabbed the coffee, "actor Yu should have one, he is my lucky charm in this drama," he announced as he reached the coffee to Yu Hua.

Not waiting for such a turn of events, let alone such words, Yu Hua gaped at the CEO like the others present, but still managed to get the coffee.

"It is with milk, just like you like."


Hu Jing Yao dropped the bomb and the silent threat became well received.

"Come on, drink it before it gets cold," the CEO commanded nicely and the flustered first-main leads had another shock.

Their coffee were too dark... just like Hu Jing Yao's sense of humour...

"It is good, right?" the CEO pressed with his cold eagle eyes, and the remaining actor trio didn't understand why Dan Li and Na Na were grimacing. As his job was done, Hu Jing Yao clapped his hands merrily and excused himself to return to his office.

That day, Yu Hua's scene was 'miraculously' shot in one go, and for the first time he was free to go before four pm.

Dying out of happiness, he called Ming Lei and asked him to meet at the centre. For a while, Yu Lan was complaining about his old coat, so Yu Hua saved some money to buy him a new one. As he had time for the first time after a long while, he decided he could use the opportunity.

Well, he wasn't the only one who wanted to use the opportunity. Hearing Ming Lei's name, Jing Yong tagged along in hopes to see the small man again.

Being a gentleman, Jing Yong didn't let them use public transportation. He drove them to Ming Lei's house and there Yu Hua discreetly took the back seat to enable his friends to flirt. Although Ming Lei kept a normal face, Yu Hua knew him better to read his hidden expression. His friend liked Jing Yong! Hehe.

When they parked near the centre, Yu Hua told them that he could do the shopping alone, but Ming Lei refused fervently. He wouldn't put his crush above his best friend. Though Jing Yong was a bit disappointed seeing Ming Lei refusing vehemently, he couldn't get angry at the small man as he looked like a stubborn chick. SOOO CUTE!

With that the trio started their hunt and Jing Yong was astonished by their shopping knowledge. These two knew all the cheap yet good shops hidden from the eye. Like an excited child, he ran between aisles, making Ming Lei chuckle. The younger also earned some credits when he left a shop after the shop assistant became too 'friendly'.

After two hours of walking around, Yu Hua finally found a coat which suited Yu Lan's taste and while he was buying it, Jing Yong used the opportunity to buy three scarfs without the duo noticing. He stuffed the shopping bag into his black backpack and dragged Yu Hua and Ming Lei to a nice-looking coffee when they exited the shop.

As the duo were working at 7/11, they had never had coffee at a cafe. Still, as it was Jing Yong's first time at that part of the centre, they didn't want to deny him anything. Hoping the coffee wouldn't cost much, they sat on a table near the huge window and rested their tired legs.

When the coffee was served, the excited actor put his backpack on his lap and fished out his treasure bag while shifting his gaze between Yu Hua and Ming Lei.

"I got us something," he said with a huge smile and handed Yu Hua a dark green wide scarf.

"You didn't need to," Yu Hua said, but Jing Yong shook his head, meaning it was nothing. Then he fished out a yellow winter scarf with red dots on it and handed it to Ming Lei. He deliberately chose a long and yellow one, suitable for Ming Lei's chick image in his mind. Hehe.

"It is really cute, thank you," Ming Lei thanked the younger, then frowned, "where is yours? You said you got 'us' something, no?"

"I like how ge pays attention to my words," Jing Yong winked at Ming Lei, who flustered until his neck. After his heart swallowed the cute face in front of him, Jing Yong fished out his scarf and Yu Hua chuckled.

It was apparently a couple scarf. While Ming Lei's was yellow with red dots, Jing Yong's was red with yellow dots.

"Why is mine completely different from yours?" Yu Hua teased them with an unassuageable urge and Ming Lei threw daggers with his eyes to both men.

"Coincidence!" Jing Yong shrugged with a grin, "complete coincidence."

While the actors were laughing, Ming Lei opted to ignore them. He turned his head to the window and watched the street which was now illuminated by the street lights.

It just so happens that Ming Lei's passing gaze caught a rather familiar figure. He leaned more towards the window and checked one more time, then he nudged Yu Hua harshly.

"Isn't he Yu Lan?"

"No way, Yu Lan should be with father," Yu Hua replied, but looking at the direction his friend was pointing, he saw it was really Yu Lan!

As he was there with his friends, where was father?

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