4. The Predator's Inn (+16)

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Yu Hua was barely standing on his wobbly legs in front of the five-star hotel. Although the evening was bitingly cold, he didn't even feel it as he was too lost in his thoughts and fears.

Will it hurt? What if Hu Jing Yao is a pervert? What if he tries to force himself on him? What if he is also into bounding and...

Yu Hua shook his head to dismiss the haunting thoughts and checked his old wrist watch; 20.50. He had to go in if not running away.

"I can handle him," he said loudly, trying to gain some self-confidence, "if he tries to do something dirty, I will kill him with my bare hands! I can do it easily!"

The passersby gave him a strange look, but Yu Hua just ignored them. Taking a deep breath, he passed through the golden revolving door, his face lowered, and walked to the elevator, trying not to feel too out-of-place. It was a good idea to borrow a cap from Ming Lei, at least his face would be hidden if Hu Jing Yao decided to threaten him later.

He got off at the thirteenth floor, and dragging his feet on the cream floor carpet, he followed the plate directing him to suit 1314. He knocked the door hesitantly and to his dismay, it was opened after a few seconds.

Hu Jing Yao checked his Rolex and smiled as he stepped aside, "you are very punctual, very professional."

Yu Hua didn't reply as his mouth was dry like a desert. He stood in the middle of the huge luxurious room, which was at least five times bigger than his house. His amazed eyes touched each item in the room and tried to estimate how much Hu Jing Yao paid for a night here.

"Will you stand there all night long?"

Yu Hua tore his gaze from the extravagant gold-black furniture and turned around to look at the CEO, who was looking back at him with a bored expression.

"It is you who called me here, so I don't know what to do," Yu Hua answered with a hoarse voice, failing miserably to hide his anxiety.

Hu Jing Yao formed a predator's smile, "well, the bed is there," he gestured towards the king size bed with black satin sheets.

"R-Right now?" Yu Hua felt the ground was shaking underneath his feet.

"If you don't have something important to discuss, yes. I don't have much time to waste, you know."

The terrified man paled visibly, and seeing him frozen, Hu Jing Yao decided to take control. He closed the distance between them with his long legs and took off Yu Hua's worn-out scarf and equally worn-out coat swiftly. Then he grabbed his thin wrist and pushed him on the bed.

The air left Yu Hua's lungs as his back crashed on the soft mattress. He wanted to get off the bed from the other side, but his predator was already on top of him, caging him with his long limbs.

"What's wrong? You were very daring earlier," Hu Jing Yao said wryly, looking down at the pale flawless face.

"I... I-" Yu Hua's words stuck on his throat as the CEO's skilful fingers started to open his shirt buttons with deadly speed. Horrified, Yu Hua grabbed his hands, stopping him.

"What now? Are you shy?" Hu King Yao asked, slightly pissed.

As it was a life-and-death situation, Yu Hua decided to tell the truth. Looking at Hu Jing Yao with pleading eyes, he said "i-it is my... first time."

That stopped Hu Jing Yao, "with a man, you say?" he asked, trying to control his excitement. It gave him a childish pride to conquer this beauty before anyone else.

"No... very first time," Yu Hua whispered with a trembling voice, embarrassed to his very core.

"No way," the CEO was shocked while his member was excited.

Unable to hold it anymore, Yu Hua teared up. He felt so helpless and hapless. What the hell he was thinking, coming to the inn of the predator?!

Seeing the transparent liquids, welling into the beautiful hazel eyes, Hu Jing Yao felt a strange tingle in his heart. Was it... pity? No way, he already got rid of all human emotions. Then what was it? Why didn't he want to see Yu Hua cry that pitifully?

While he was drowning in his contradicting thoughts, his hand acted on its own and wiped the tears gently and he found himself asking "why are you crying?"

Yu Hua turned his head to the left, avoiding Hu Jing Yao's touch, "it is weird... don't do it," he said in between his sobs.

Hu Jing Yao retracted his hand with a frown. He showed a very rare display of affection, yet Yu Hua dared to say it was weird, ha? A surge of anger hit him hard and he was filled with the desire to prove the younger wrong.

"You will beg me not to stop," he whispered into Yu Hua's ear and pushed his hands away. Then he continued with unbuttoning while his lips joined the game. He kissed Yu Hua's eyes, nose, cheeks, then landed on his rosy lips.

As Yu Hua had no experience about sexual sensations, he couldn't pinpoint what he was feeling. Like a piece of log, he lay there, his eyes closed, but his heartbeats accelerated with every kiss he got from Hu Jing Yao. When the CEO attacked on his lips, he even wanted to respond, but realising what he was thinking, his mind froze. Fortunately, Hu Jing Yao didn't linger there too much. After nibbling and sucking gently for a while, his avid lips moved to his neck, and Yu Hua could open his mouth.

"I-It feels... weird... please stop..." he managed to squeeze out in between his panting. His mind was already clouded and he was terrified by the sensations he was feeling.

Without breaking his contact with the delicious skin, Hu Jing Yao whispered "you don't feel weird. Look, your body is craving for my touch." He rubbed his hand on Yu Hua's member over his pants and the latter jolted. A sinful moan escaped from his lips, so he covered his mouth with his palm with shame.

Hu Jing Yao grabbed his hand and pried it from his mouth, "it is a natural desire, nothing to be ashamed of."


"Hssh," the CEO put a finger on his swollen lips and licked one of nipples, making Yu Hua arched his back, "just focus on the pleasure."

Yu Hua couldn't respond as his focus was on Hu Jing Yao's lips on his nipple, but his hand pushing the CEO's shoulder dropped to the sheet.

Feeling his silent submission, Hu Jing Yao smiled proudly and lowered his body to rub on Yu Hua's already erected member. Although he wasn't a merciful man, somehow he wanted to spare the man underneath him. He wanted to give him pleasure without traumatising him, so he didn't take off either of their pants and just rubbed him over the fabrics. As it was Yu Hua's first ever, he wouldn't go all the way, no matter how much he wanted.

Still, even that much was enough for Yu Hua. He felt colours explode in his brain and unwittingly he reached for his pleasure-giver. As the sensation was too intense, Yu Hua moaned and panted nonstop, circling his arms around Hu Jing Yao's neck and before long he came off to his underwear.

"W-What..." he mumbled as his arms fell to the wrinkled sheets limbly.

"You just came, little flower, congrats," Hu Jing Yao said and kissed his numb lips.

Yu Hua didn't remember the rest...

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