27. No Logical Answers

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"Where do you work?"


"Are you trying to come up with a lie?" Hu Jing Yao asked coldly.

"No," Yu Hua's voice was finally heard, "I am working at 7/11 on LaoDao street, do the CEO want a picture of my uniform?"

"I guess we don't pay you enough," the CEO snorted and ended the call. He threw his phone on the bed and walked to the window. Was Yu Hua really working at 7/11? If so, why? For what he needed that much money?

The CEO rubbed his temples as he looked down on the city through the window blankly. Yu Hua was like a puzzle whose pieces were all confusing. Whenever, Hu Jing Yao thought he plucked a piece into his rightful place, that piece was bouncing up, declaring the place was wrong from the beginning.

Bargaining... threatening... satisfying... defending... favouring...

Hu Jing Yao tried all the ways to conquer the man, but to no avail... It wasn't like he was madly in love with him or something, but as the younger resisted his charms, it became like a matter of pride for the CEO. Okay okay, he admitted Yu Hua was also too sexy to give up on, happy?

Now back to zero.

Should I go... should I not?

"Damn it, whatever!" Hu Jing Yao voiced this one out and got his BMW Motorrad keys. No, he wouldn't want his father to learn about his action, so his car was out of question. He took the elevator to the -2 and put on his night black helmet and leather biker jacket, then he wrote LaoDao 7/11 to the navigation and hit the gas.

The night air was refreshing against his body and he felt peace for the first time in that week. He even considered going back to the hotel without seeing Yu Hua, but somehow he found himself parking in front of the 7/11 on LaoDao street.

"Welcom-" Yu Hua couldn't finish, seeing it was the CEO! Damn, he looked so hot with that biker jacket. Wait, what?!

Hu Jing Yao looked at the man behind the cashier and said "so, it was true, you are really working here."

Yu Hua nodded, "did the CEO come to check on me? I could send a selfie," he said, weariness clear in his voice.

"I was just passing by, then I thought why not also check on you," the CEO lied as he leaned on the counter.

Like a mushroom, Ming Lei popped up from nowhere and poked Hu Jing Yao from his arm, "sir, you shouldn't disturb the cashier," he said threateningly as if he wasn't half of the CEO.

"It is okay, Lei Lei," Yu Hua interrupted, "he is Mr. Hu."

Hu Jing Yao's eyebrows arched hearing the pet name Yu Hua used. Were they close?

"The evil CEO?" Ming Lei exclaimed and Yu Hua wanted to curl up and die while the CEO clicked his tongue with annoyance.

Who the hell was that small man? How much did he know about him?

"Just go please," Yu Hua dismissed him with a hand gesture, but Ming Lei kept looking at Hu Jing Yao with daggers in his eyes.

"I don't care how rich you are, if you dare to mess with my DEAR, I will snap your head off!" he threatened the tall man, then went back to the beer section slowly.

Now, Hu Jing Yao was trembling with jealousy. First Jing Yong and now this small man... Wasn't there any bound of Yu Hua's charms?! Did he really call him 'dear'?!

"I am so sorry for my friend's words," Yu Hua apologised politely, hoping the CEO wouldn't mess with Ming Lei to get even.

"Is that why you can't come when I call? You want to hang out with your friend more during work? It is not like here is bustling with customers." Okay, it sounded like a pissed-off lover, damn! What the hell am I spouting?!

Luckily, Yu Hua seemed not to notice the real reason behind his poisonous words. Heaving a sigh, he said "time is still early, people usually come only to buy alcohol or cigarettes at night. This area is not quite safe, so I don't want my friend to do the night shift alone."

The jealousy left its place to worry in Hu Jing Yao's heart. Now, he realised why the street name sounded familiar, it was the chaotic LaoDao street, headlining now and then in the newspapers.

With that, Hu Jing Yao lost his enthusiasm to snap at the man. Come on, why did he have to be that nice towards anyone except him?! Still, he couldn't lower his tail that fast. Dramatically, he shifted his gaze between Yu Hua and that small friend of his, and said "this angry ball seems more capable in fighting than you."

That off-hand comment created a miracle:

It made Yu Hua laugh.

It only lasted for a few seconds, but the CEO witnessed it and it did funny things to his unprepared heart...

"DID YOU JUST LAUGH?!" Ming Lei's loud voice broke the spell. He ran towards Hu Jing Yao and grabbed his biker jacket, "You sir made him laugh! It is amazing! Come come," he dragged the CEO towards the portable table in front of the window, "sit here, I will bring you a beer as a reward," he rushed to the cooler, and the CEO decided the little man wasn't that bad actually.

No, he was the best because he not only brought him a cold beer, but also Yu Hua! He even went back behind the counter so that they could talk. Such a hero!

"So, why do you need two jobs?" Hu Jing Yao asked curiously when Yu Hua stopped fidgeting on the plastic chair.

"I just need," Yu Hua eluded the question. There was no way he would tell the CEO about his family situation.

"I see," the CEO answered forcefully as he didn't have the right to press the actor for a decent answer.

Yu Hua felt bad, seeing the dejected expression on the handso- ahem! The CEO... just the CEO, but he couldn't bare his personal life to his boss. He didn't want him to pity or disgust him... no, it would kill him to see either of them in his eyes for him.

Why? He had no logical answer to that. Hmm.

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