46. An Unwelcomed Visit

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Yu Hua was frozen to his very core, the possessive words "MY Yao Yao' tinkling in his ears like a curse.

"Are you a goldfish?" The woman pushed the frozen actor aside and entered the suit. As if she was at home, she got rid of her high-heel black boots, kicked them away and made herself comfortable on the sofa, not minding her super short pink dress.

"Was it food?" Hu Jing Yao appeared with his black sweatsuit, but seeing the newcomer, his expression grew solemn. Looking at the woman of his nightmares, he asked "what the hell are you doing here?"

Hearing the hostility in his tone, Yu Hua stiffened, but the woman looked unbothered. She rather grinned, showing her white teeth and said "I missed you too, darling."

Hu Jing Yao grimaced and rubbed his forehead, "stop calling me that, Li Na, we are already over."

Li Na ignored his reply. Smiling creepily at Yu Hua, she said "is he your new toy boy? He is the cutest up until now."

What?! Yu Hua was on the verge of fainting.

"Stop your nonsense," Hu Jing Yao snorted coldly as he pulled the frozen Yu Hua behind him protectively.

She rolled her big brown eyes before staring at the CEO, "I know I broke you, darling, but I am here to correct everything," she said and stood up. Walking lazily to the minibar, she opened it without asking. She took a soda and let out a high-pitched laughter, "do you still drink this?!"

It took all of the CEO's mental power not to snap her neck into two. Rushing towards her with his long legs, he harshly snatched the bottle from her hand and stuffed it into the minibar. Shooting daggers with his eyes, he declared "we are over, Li Na. The moment you chose that check, you lost me."

Li Na smiled softly and put her palm on Hu Jing Yao's cheek boldly, "I did it for us. Look at me now, your father can't object to us being together."

"I- I will come later," Yu Hua announced as he couldn't take it anymore. Without the CEO could stop him, he grabbed his backpack and coat, and left the room pell-mell.

Behind him, Hu Jing Yao also moved towards the door, but Li Na grabbed his arm with force and turned him towards herself.

"We need to talk."



When Yu Hua reached the lobby, there was a downpour. While everyone was trying to find a place to hide, the miserable actor rendered thanks to the sky and left the shelter of the hotel's roof. He walked into the night, his tears mixing the raindrops and being wiped off gently.

I am so stupid... what else did you expect?... he already made it clear that he didn't love you...

His mind relentlessly added to his misery as his feet dragged him away from the hotel. Indeed, he was stupid to be carried away, but the CEO had a part in it too. Why did he have to be so perfect at everything? He was drop-dead handsome, smart, caring, thoughtful, generous, funny, witty, excellent at... bed...

It was only natural to fall for him...

But when he fell, he fell from too high and crashed into the harsh reality...

A man like Hu Jing Yao would never settle down with a miserable man like him. That Li Na woman was gorgeous and emitted power just like the CEO. They were a good match, but if not, he could find a better fit with a snap of his fingers.

In the end everyone was better than Yu Hua himself. Compared to the CEO who had everything, he had nothing.

No family, no money, no grand education, not even a driving licence...

At least it was fun for a while, his mind kindly reminded him, maybe feeling apologetic for its earlier hammering.

"Whatever," Yu Hua mumbled on the empty street and pressing his backpack on his chest, he walked home under the heavy rain.



"What do you want, Li Na?" Hu Jing Yao asked with clear irritation tinted in his tone. He saved his arm from her grip and sat on the sofa.

Li Na heaved a sigh and slumped on the other end of the sofa, one leg bent and touching on the CEO's thigh intentionally. She pushed her waist-long black hair behind her shoulder and created a better view for her highly shown cleavage. Batting her eyelashes, she said "I know I made you so sad, but I really did it for us to have a future."

Hu Jing Yao looked at her alienly, wondering how come he fell for her in the first place. She looked so cheap and predictable, doing those flirtatious actions which only disgusted him. Straightening his posture to avoid the physical contact, he asked "and?"

She looked angry for a millisecond before saying, "I never left you, you know. I just wanted to show your father that he was wrong about me. Now, I am the youngest reporter of CBL."

"And?" Hu Jing Yao was amazed at his own heart. If she said those words last year, he would surely fall for the trick, but now, he felt only boredom. She had no power left on him. Was it because of Yu Hua?

She stared at him with daggers in her eyes, "I will be rich and get you back," she said with confidence.

Hu Jing Yao arched his eyebrows and stood up. He walked to the door lazily and opened it, "if you finished, can you leave? I need to find my partner and explain to him that you are nothing more than a distant memory."

Li Na was fuming. She jumped on her long legs and wore her boots angrily. She rushed to the CEO, almost creating holes on the tile floor, and grabbed his t-shirt, "you are mine, that paid boy is nothing compared to me," she said and left.

"How tasteless," Hu Jing Yao murmured with a grimace and slammed the door. He grabbed his phone and called the certain actor.



The phone vibrated restlessly on the small table, its screen light creating a small light in the dark room, but the owner of the phone wasn't in the condition to answer it.



Hu Jing Yao banged on the door, his heart on his mouth. After calling Yu Hua for a hundredth time and getting no answer, he decided to see him in person. Not even changing his tracksuit, he hopped in his car and drove to the actor's neighbourhood like a mad man.

"Yu Hua!" he shouted for God knew for how many times, but there was movement inside the shabby house. "Whatever!" the panicked man mumbled and hit the fusty door with his shoulder. As he expected, the door yielded to his force immediately and gave him access to a horrifying scene.

Yu Hua was lying on a thin mattress with his clothes on.

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