14. Now You Know

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"Can you please let go of my hand, Mr. Hu?" Yu Hua requested politely, but then he couldn't resist the temptation and added, "it seems like you enjoy accusing me wrongly today."

"Accuse you wrongly?" Hu Jing Yao snorted and let go of Yu Hua, "then tell me what those are," he gestured towards his hand with his chin.

"Painkillers," Yu Hua replied honestly and opened his palm to show the pills to the CEO.

"What's wrong?" Hu Jing Yao asked with concern, already forgetting about his earlier attitude while Yu Hua swallowed the pills with tap water.

You could just ask a waiter for a glass of water, Hu Jing Yao wanted to comment so bad, but managed to hold his words in.

Drying his mouth with the back of his hand, Yu Hua said "nothing important." The pain on his back was already killing him after standing two straight hours and he didn't want to explain the situation to the CEO.

"Really?" Hu Jing Yao asked with irritation as the actor ignored his good intention, "then let's go, I want you to perform your end of our deal."

Not expecting such a turn of events, Yu Hua gulped and leaned tiredly against the marble vanity top. He knew he had no right to object, but his physical condition wouldn't allow him to do anything, other than lying down.

"Cat caught your tongue?" Hu Jing Yao asked wryly, enjoying the helpless look on the younger one's face. It might sound a bit cruel, but Yu Hua had to realise who was the boss.

"I am sorry, but I can't," Yu Hua said without looking at the CEO.

"Why? Don't tell me you don't want the role anymore?" Hu Jing Yao teased the actor, itching for some drama.

That made the magic. Yu Hua raised his head fast, almost breaking his neck. Looking at the CEO with apparent fear in his light-coloured eyes, he implored "no please."

Hu Jing Yao heaved a sigh, "then tell me what's wrong, I will decide accordingly." See? If Yu Hua answered from the beginning, this little show wouldn't be necessary.

"I hurt my back," Yu Hua confessed bashfully.

"Really?" Hu Jing Yao didn't believe him as it was too good to be a coincidence. He asked for sex and voila, Yu Hua just declared he hurt his back!

His mocking made Yu Hua angry. There was something wrong with the CEO's head! First he was forcing him to spill everything, then he was acting as if everything he said was a lie!

"Believe me or not, I don't care!" Yu Hua snapped at the CEO vehemently and wanted to leave the toilet before jumping on the man, beating him well. However, as he passed the man, his arm was yanked from behind and he found himself slammed on the cold bathroom tiles. With the contact, the pain came. Before he realised, a painful whimper escaped from his lips and his eyes teared.

His severe reaction alarmed the CEO. Pulling the swaying man towards his chest, he asked "what's wrong?" as if the other didn't answer him already.

"M-My... b-back..." Yu Hua whispered in between his gritted teeth and clenched on the arms which were holding him so that he wouldn't fall to the floor.

Panicking, Hu Jing Yao wanted to check the actor's back, but the door was opened and one of the directors entered the toilet.

"Aiya, I told you, Mr. Yu that you shouldn't have drunk that much," the CEO lied blatantly to save the situation and chuckling, the director went into a cubicle. Using the opportunity, Hu Jing Yao put Yu Hua's arm around his neck and dragged him out. Then he called his driver and in five minutes, the duo was at the backseat to go to the hotel where the CEO was staying.

"Do you feel better?" Hu Jing Yao asked with worry, looking at the silent man next to him. Yu Hua was sitting in a hunched position, his hands holding the front seat, so his back wouldn't contact the backrest.

Yu Hua nodded slowly.

"What happened to your back?"

The actor raised his head and looked at the driver via the rear-view mirror with suspicion. As he learned that the driver was a spy, he didn't want to say anything which could be used against him later.

Following his line of vision, Hu Jing Yao understood his concern. Silently chuckling at his childishness, he reached and gently pulled Yu Hua to his chest so that he could have a more comfortable position.

As expected, Yu Hua fidgeted to save himself, but the CEO's grip was tight.

"Don't fidget, just rest, we have at least thirty minutes," Hu Jing Yao commanded and helpless, Yu Hua stopped his movement. Interestingly, no matter how strange their position was, there was something so calming about the CEO's steady heartbeats and the warmth his body was emitting. His expensive perfume intoxicated Yu Hua's senses and the latter found himself drifting off to sleep.

After being sure he was sleeping, Hu Jing Yao covered him with his coat gently and started to play with his soft curly locks while the driver was stealing furtive glances through the mirror, not believing what he was seeing...




"Yu Hua..."

"Hmm?" Yu Hua hummed tiredly.

"Wake up, we arrived," Hu Jing Yao patted his arm gently. He wouldn't mind carrying the younger one to his suit, but their position made it impossible for him to move as Yu Hua's arms were clenched around his waist and his head was on his chest. Also, as the CEO didn't know the nature of his injury, he didn't want to do something to make it worse.

"Why are we here?" Yu Hua asked with panic, seeing the hotel.

Hu Jing Yao shook his head, "your mind is always on naughty stuff," he teased the actor and untangling himself from him, he got out of the car. Then he reached his hands towards Yu Hua and pulled him out as well carefully.

"I will take the bus," Yu Hua tried to run away, but the CEO grabbed his shoulder and almost dragged him into the hotel.

Behind them, the driver shook his head with pity, "Master tries to kill the poor creature by excessive ramming," he reasoned as he didn't know the entire story about the back injury...

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