11. Don't Be Dramatic

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The headache hit Yu Hua hard even before he was fully awake. "What the..." he mumbled, his eyes still closed and pressed his fingers on his throbbing temples in an attempt to reduce the ache.

"You drank like an elephant yesterday."

Hearing the voice, Yu Hua opened his eyes with horror and straightened up on the bed despite the pain. Damn it, he was in Hu Jing Yao's suit and the CEO was still in the room, drinking coffee.

Seeing his troubled expression, Hu Jing Yao put his cup on the coffee table and folded his arms over his chest, "don't you remember last night?"

Yu Hua shook his head mildly, his heart beating in his mouth. As he felt too conscious under the CEO's magnetic gaze, he lowered his eyes and almost jumped out of his skin.


"W-What did you-" he started, but was cut off by the CEO.

"Me? No no," Hu Jing Yao swung his elongate forefinger, meaning no, "YOU were the one who did something to me."

"Me?" Yu Hua pointed at himself with disbelief, "no way!"

"Well," Hu Jing Yao leaned back on his seat and crossed his legs lazily, "you pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me, kissing me as if-"

"ENOUGH!" Yu Hua shouted, shaking like a leaf. There was no way he would do that... right? He wouldn't do such a shameless thing to his boss... right?

The CEO quirked an eyebrow, seeing his panic, "no need to be dramatic, it is not you shot me or stab me, it was just sex."

Hearing the cursed word, Yu Hua felt the edges of vision going black. Did he really initiated sex with the CEO and lost his virginity though he didn't remember a shit?

"Why are you acting like a chaste girl? It is just sex," Hu Jing Yao said, trying to subdue the exaggerated reaction the actor was showing.

Yu Hua knew the CEO was right, but it didn't help with his raging emotions. Rubbing his forehead, he said "it was my first time and I have no recollection at all. It just feels weird..."

"We didn't have sex," Hu Jing Yao confessed, seeing how devastated he looked, "you just kissed me until you passed out."

Yu Hua dropped his hand and looked at the CEO with hope, "really?"

"Yes, don't worry, I don't take advantage of drunk people."

"Thank you!" Yu Hua bowed respectfully, "and sorry, thank you."

"Okay stop it, you are giving me a headache," the CEO shushed him, "go take a shower."

Like an obedient child, Yu Hua jumped out of the bed, forgetting he was only wearing his boxer briefs, and rushed to the bathroom.

As his emotions were in a turmoil, he opted for a cold shower first. He stood under the coldish water and tried to gather his thoughts. Although he had difficulty believing that he jumped on the CEO, he believed the latter was saying the truth. At least, he was sure it was consensual as he saw the reddish hickey on the CEO's neck.

"I must be crazy! Why the hell did I have to drink that much?! Why the hell did I jump on my boss?!" Yu Hua rubbed his face with annoyance. He really didn't know how he managed to be tangled up like that, but it was too late to lament. Leastways, Hu Jing Yao proved to be a gentleman...

After he calmed down, Yu Hua took a proper shower with hot water and opened a new kit to brush his teeth, but this time he left the package on the vanity top so that the CEO would see he didn't steal it again.

Cursing his brain for not taking his clothes to the bathroom, Yu Hua came back to the main room with the bathrobe and an embarrassed expression. He hastily checked around to find his clothes before the CEO raised his head from the files he was reading, but they were nowhere! Giving himself a mental slap, he feigned a cough to attract the CEO's attention.

"What?" Hu Jing Yao dropped the files on his legs and looked up to the younger man.

"My clothes...?" Yu Hua asked, fidgeting, "you didn't..."

"Throw them?" the CEO couldn't miss a chance to tease the other, "I did."

"WHAT?!" All colour left the actor's face and the CEO felt an instant regret.

"I am kidding," he waved his hand with a huff, "you cried over them so much last night, so being a wonderful man, I sent them to the dry cleaning."

"Oh," Yu Hua gave the breath he was holding in while his face flustered with abashment, "thank you... again."

Hu Jing Yao nodded and raised his files again. Without looking at the actor, he said "have your breakfast until your clothes come."

"C-Can I?"

The CEO rolled his eyes, irked, then nodded. Why the hell Yu Hua was acting as if he himself was a slave and he was the demon-master? What kind of mentality was it?

Cursing himself for irritating the CEO, Yu Hua sat down quickly and started to eat as silently as possible. Realising his cautious moves, Hu Jing Yao poured him some coffee.


Yu Hua nodded with a tiny smile and the CEO added milk from the small porcelain jug, "sugar?"

The actor shook his head, "no, thanks."

Hu Jing Yao put the porcelain cup near Yu Hua's plate and repeated the action for himself as well.

"So, you also like it with milk?" Yu Hua tried to initiate some chit chat as the silence was wrecking his nerves.

Hu Jing Yao threw him an inquiring glance, "do all the CEOs have to drink black coffee?"

"No," Yu Hua shook his head vigorously, "I was just asking, sorry." Why the hell did you ask?!!! He isn't your friend!!

Knock knock.

The banging on the door interrupted the awkward moment. With Hu Jing Yao's assent, the door opened and a maid brought Yu Hua's cleaned clothes. Without making eye contact, she placed everything on the sofa and rushed out.

"Get dressed, then my driver will drop you home."

"Is it okay?" Yu Hua asked, confused, "he already saw me once."

"Twice," the CEO corrected him, "and it is okay as he is my father's spy."

"WHAT?" Yu Hua was aghast.

Hu Jing Yao gave him a smirk, "all these shows are for my father, to make him go mad," he said calmly and left the room after taking his jacket.

What kind of game is it? I am so doomed!

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