40. Enough For Me

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"Why did you bring me here?" was the first sentence Yu Hua said after sitting on the sofa in a daze for half an hour.

Hu Jing Yao looked at the actor with concern, "do you remember what happened?"

Yu Hua leaned his elbows on his thighs and held his head with both of his hands, "being sold off by my own father isn't something that I can forget easily," he said softly.

The CEO heaved a sigh and crouched down in front of the dejected man. Raising his face from his chin, he said "it was unfortunate, but I promise you that you will never experience something like that again."

Although it was such a heart-melting statement, Yu Hua's face was void of any emotions. He pushed the CEO's hands off his face, "have a little mercy and don't do it," he said tiredly.

Hu Jing Yao frowned, "do what?"

"I told you before, I don't want you to pretend as if you care about me."

Brimming with irritation, the CEO jumped on his feet, "do I look like I don't care?!" he shouted, "I am not always by your side whenever you need some help?!"

"Yes, you are," Yu Hua acknowledged immediately, but he had more to add, "and this is the problem. You said it yourself that we only have a business relationship, so please don't add to my misery."

Now, Hu Jing Yao could see some traces of emotions in the younger man. His eyes were silently begging, his lips pressed together while his breathing was laborious as if he was trying to suppress a sob.

At that moment Hu Jing Yao understood the logic behind Yu Hua's actions and attitude completely.

All anger left his heart. He sat next to the drained actor and pulled him into his arms. As expected, Yu Hua did his best to break free, but the determined man was deaf to his objection. Patting his back, the CEO whispered, "you are not alone or deserve to be alone. You are in every way perfect, the fault is at others, including me. Even if it is not in the same way you want, I still care about you and want to protect you from the bad people around you."

Each word carved deep inside the sad man's heart and unwittingly, his pushing hands started to pull the CEO towards himself. He buried his head on the sturdy chest and burst into tears. He didn't mind that the CEO didn't like him in a romantic sense as he already knew that it was impossible; therefore, he was just grateful. Even though he tried to keep his cool, he was so frightened when the loan shark men attacked him. He literally thought he would die there and he was beyond disappointed when his father was the one selling him out.

First mother... then Yu Lan... and now father...

Yu Hua was an epitome of sadness, anger and disappointment. At one point, he thought about smashing his head on the asphalt and ending all his misery.

Then a miracle happened...

He found himself in the arms of Hu Jing Yao and felt safe. It didn't matter that he wasn't there out of love. He was there for him and it was enough.

He just wanted to hold on to the CEO's warmth... a little longer... just a little longer...

Feeling his need, Hu Jing Yao kept hugging the trembling figure until he felt the younger man was calmer.

"Yu Hua, it is very late, you should take a shower and sleep," he suggested while caressing the actor's dusty curls.

Obediently, Yu Hua untangled himself from the CEO's arms and rose to his numb feet. Although he was drained, a shower sounded like a good idea. He grabbed the clothes Hu Jing Yao gave to him and took a long shower, trying to erase the memory of the nasty hands pressing him to the hard ground. When he was satisfied, he wore the borrowed clothes and left the bathroom with a towel around his neck.

"Why didn't you dry your hair?" Hu Jing Yao asked in a reprimanding manner when he saw Yu Hua's wet hair.

Yu Hua just shrugged and sat on the edge of the sofa, "It will dry by itself," he said tiredly, not even bothering to use the towel around his neck.

The CEO threw him a disapproving glance and walked behind the sofa. He took the towel from the actor's neck and started to dry his hair gently.

"You don-"

"Shut up."

"..." Helpless, Yu Hua let the CEO do what he wanted.

In silence Hu Jing Yao dried the actor's hair, but when he finished, Yu Hua pulled his sleeve and made him sit next to him.

"Can I ask why you were in my neighbourhood?" Yu Hua asked softly as if he was afraid to offend the CEO.

"Just passing by."

As if... Yu Hua thought, but wisely remained silent. Then he realised he had a more important question. Playing with his fingers nervously, he asked "what did you talk about with my father?"

Hu Jing Yao drummed his fingers on the armrest of the sofa, thinking how much he should reveal. Choosing his words carefully, he said "I just asked him not to involve you in that kind of a situation again and he said okay."

Yu Hua's mouth almost dropped to the floor. Wasn't the CEO too caring for someone who didn't feel anything for him? Ah great, more confusion...

Well, even when Yu Hua was confused, he still managed to keep his brain functioning. With a sudden move, he raised his head and looked the CEO in the eye, "and?"

"And?" Hu Jing Yao repeated with an inquiring tone.

"Father would never listen that easily, did you threaten him?"

Getting caught red-handed, the CEO stiffened a bit, but as there wasn't any underlying accusation in Yu Hua's tone, his body loosened again. While he was contemplating how not to mention the check, Yu Hua was hit by sudden realisation on his own.

"You didn't give him money, right?"


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