9. Unwanted

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When Yu Hua returned to the lounge, Hu Jing Yao noticed he was paler. He wondered if he was the reason or it was the party in general, but he refrained himself from approaching him to ask.

Yu Hua also shared his decision. He grabbed a glass of champagne and walked towards his co-actors without sparing a glance towards the CEO.

"You must have seen him," Lu Rao told the CEO, pointing his glass at Yu Hua, "he memorised the entire script in—-------------------------"

Hu Jing Yao didn't listen to the rest of his idle talk as his attention was attracted by something else. In awe, he watched as Na Na, Dan Li and a few figurants scattered away before Yu Hua came near them, then Sun Ming said something to him and turned his back on him with a sinister smile. Hu Jing Yao saw Yu Hua's hand holding the glass was shaking and his shoulders stooped dejectedly.

The CEO's hand around his glass tightened, but he patiently waited for the actor's next action. His eagle eyes watched Yu Hua taking a deep breath and walking towards the table where the director and a few members of the production team were standing around. As that table was closer to Hu Jing Yao, he clearly heard the director's words.

"We are discussing something, can you leave us alone for a while?"

"I am sorry," Yu Hua replied with a hoarse voice and quickly went to the other end of the hall and slumped on a high stool in front of the bar.

Witnessing the scene, Hu Jing Yao's blood boiled with anger. Harshly, he put his glass on the cocktail table and looked at Lu Rao with fires in his eyes. "They are ignoring him," he said through his clenched teeth.

"Hmm?" Lu Rao asked, unaware.

"They all ignore Mr. Yu," the CEO explained coldly, then added "why are you still here?"

Lu Rao gulped and rushed towards Yu Hua before the CEO snapped his head off. Hu Jing Yao watched the duo from his spot, but then his view was interrupted by the director.

"Mr. Hu, why are you alone? Don't tell me the party doesn't suit your taste," the chubby man said politely and Hu Jing Yao gritted his teeth.

"Why is Sun Ming here? Isn't this party for the crew?" he asked, ignoring the director's words.

Mr. Lin let out a nervous chuckle, "h-he is a member of the crew, he will play the role of Dan Li's brother."

Hu Jing Yao pinned the shorter man on his spot with his cold gaze, "why do I learn about this only now?" he asked equally coldly.

The director rubbed his nape, "w-wouldn't be too unjust to kick him out of the drama?"

"Be careful," Hu Jing Yao warned the other and gestured to him to leave him alone. After the older man ran away for dear life, the CEO focused on Yu Hua again and didn't get happy when he saw the actor guzzle down a full glass of champagne.

With an irritated sigh, he called his driver and asked him to come to collect him. Originally, he planned to walk back to his hotel as it was only ten minutes away, but seeing the accumulated glasses in front of Yu Hua, he was sure that the actor wouldn't manage to walk to the hotel.

He could cancel the night's plan and return to his hotel alone... it was funny how the all mighty CEO didn't think about this very logical option.

While Hu Jing Yao was waiting for his driver, Yu Hua poured two more champagnes down his throat and felt he could finally endure Lu Rao's never-ending gossiping. He knew nobody would care if he left the party, but his pride prevented him from doing so. If he showed them he was a sensitive and vulnerable person, he was sure they would chew him alive when they started the drama. Therefore, he sucked it all up and pretended as if he was having the fun of his life while hoping for a huge wave swallowing the entire place.

Yes, it didn't happen -luckily- but something wonderful indeed happened; Lu Rao went to the toilet and left him alone!

In order to celebrate it, he grabbed another glass, but a hand grabbed his and the glass was snatched from his grip.

"Wwwhattt aree youu dooooingg?" he asked, slurring.

"We are going," the voice commanded above him, and Yu Hua was pulled to his feet forcefully.

"Mr. Hu?" Yu Hua asked with squinted eyes, trying to understand why there was a mist in the room, making it difficult for him to see.

"Shut up" was Hu Jing Yao's reply before he half-dragged half-carried the drunk man out. He shoved the actor into the backseat as if he was a bag of potatoes and slammed the door. Then he took the passenger's seat and the shocked driver drove them to the CEO's hotel.

Once arrived, Hu Jing Yao shocked the driver again by saying he could handle the drunk man. With that, the driver left and the CEO dragged the actor into the elevator, not giving a damn about the wondering looks the other customers gave them.

"Youuu liarrr..."

"Me?" Hu Jing Yao asked, tilting his head down to see Yu Hua's face which was pressed on his chest, "do you know who I am?"

Yu Hua raised his head and looked at the CEO with dazed eyes, "MR. HU!" he shouted.

"Indeed, but I am not sure about being a liar," Hu Jing Yao snorted, shifting his hand to Yu Hua's waist to keep a better hold.

"Liaaaaarr..." Yu Hua repeated, "you said..."

"Hmm?" Hu Jing Yao hummed before he dragged the drunk man out of the elevator.

"He... he sleeps with the director," the actor whispered, then he pressed his forefinger on his lips, meaning shush as if it was a secret.

"And?" Hu Jing Yao asked with patience as they moved towards his suit.

"I am sameee!" Yu Hua exclaimed and stopped abruptly, "I also sleep... well WILL sleep with youuu for the role! I AM THE SAME!"

"And?" the CEO repeated his question with his diminishing patience.

"Then whyy they hatee mee but lovee him??!!" he asked while patting his own chest.

Hu Jing Yao was speechless. He looked at the sad drunk man in front of him, and felt that strange tingle in his heart again.

"Immmm tired..."

The little whining broke Hu Jing Yao's trance and he managed to catch Yu Hua before he slumped to the carpeted floor. With no little difficulty, they entered the suit and the non-drunk man lay the drunk man on the bed.

"I will punish you for today later," Hu Jing Yao declared and attempted to go to the bathroom for a shower, but a warm hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled him towards the bed.

"Whereee youu goingg?"

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