19. Problem After Problem

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"What happened to your face?!" Ming Lei shouted, seeing the corner of Yu Hua's lips was split.

"Had a small fight with Dan Li," Yu Hua answered as he put on his green apron.

"Did you hit him back?"

Yu Hua nodded, "I was the first to strike."

"Then it is good," Ming Lei gave him a thumbs up and went to bring the first-aid kit. When he came back, he made Yu Hua sit on the stool behind the counter and started to clean the wound.

"Why did you fight with him? I had never seen you using your fists," he asked, looking curiously at his friend.

"He was talking bad about Jing Yong and the CEO," Yu Hua answered and Ming Lei nodded.

"You are too righteous for your own good," the petite man said with sigh, and as if the universe wanted to prove his words, Yu Hua received a message from the CEO.

[Come to my office. Right now.] - HJY

Yu Hua sighed and typed a reply.

[I will come as the first thing tomorrow, Mr. Hu.] - YH

"You can go, I can handle here," Ming Lei said with apparent worry, but Yu Hua shook his head.

"Here is dangerous for you to stay alone all night," he replied and took the first-aid kit to the staff room. As he already knew that the CEO called him for the fight with Dan Li, he had no intention to go back to the company at ten pm, leaving Ming Lei there alone. No, it could wait.

Well, apparently someone didn't think it could wait.

Looking at the message for the hundredth time, Hu Jing Yao boiled with anger. He was already stressed because of the new scandal his dumb brother caused for a week and now it was the cherry on the top!

"How dare you..." he gritted his teeth, his hands tight around his phone. He gave that ungrateful Yu Hua the chance of his life and yet he had the audacity to act as if he was someone important.

Tomorrow, he thought, I will sort you out tomorrow or I will get rid of you.

Luckily, before the CEO could burn his brain with anger, the knock on his office door distracted his mind. However, as it was already ten thirty, the newcomer could only be the last person he wanted to see.

"I know you heard the knock, why did you pretend as if you didn't hear it, bro?" the man asked as soon as he entered the room.

Without answering, Hu Jing Yao looked at his younger brother and wondered how come they were so different. Indeed, like himself, Hu Lei was a handsome man with a tall athletic figure and affectionate big brown eyes, yet their personalities were totally opposite. While Hu Jing Yao was a very responsible and serious man, Hu Lei was a free bird. He studied cinema just because he wanted to hit on actresses and didn't care about his love scandals at all as Hu Jing Yao was always covering them up.

According to Hu Jing Yao, his brother wasn't the only one to blame as the main fault was with their father. Although he knew about his son's never-satisfied passion to chase actresses, he established an entertainment company and granted him the title of art director. Art director! To the one who had no experience or will to learn! Well, at least their father knew about it, so he put Hu Jing Yao in the CEO position to protect his naughty son from the scandals.

Hu Jing Yao was still feeling bitter about the whole ordeal...

"Do you hear me?" Hu Lei clicked his fingers in front of his brother, trying to gain his attention.

"What?" the CEO replied curtly with a glare.

"What are you thinking about?" the younger brother asked as he hopped on the table, but the older brother pushed him off forcefully.

"I was thinking when father would tell me that I am adopted."

Hu Lei let out a chuckle, "you are not adopted, father loves you the most."

"Well, it is hard to tell as I have been saving your unworthy ass all the time. I feel like your personal slave."

"Come on!" Hu Lei placed his hand over his heart, feigning hurt, "it is your responsibility to look after me."

"You are just two years younger," Hu Jing Yao rolled his eyes, getting irritated by his over-dramatic brother.

"Whatever," the younger one dropped the topic. He took off his shiny red leather biker jacket and threw it on the sofa as though he owned the office. Folding his silk black shirt's sleeves up, he asked "did you handle the situation?"

"Situation?" the older one replied with arched eyebrows, "you mean your cheating on Ha Na and getting caught and being threatened. Again."

Hu Lei shrugged and brushed the invisible dust off his leather pants, "I am a man of love, what can I do?"

Hu Jing Yao grimaced. How come their father didn't mind Hu Lei being a f*boy, but he went crazy because of Hu Jing Yao's only serious relationship?

"Father said you can give her a role or something to shush her."

Hu Jing Yao glared at him, but then he smiled as a wonderful idea came to his mind, "I will handle it tomorrow. Now leave."

Hu Lei didn't like that smile, but shrugged it off. Showing a military salute, he left his brother's office. After him, Hu Jing Yao filled in the necessary documentation to send Ha Na to Japan for the movie which his brother objected to last time. She deserved better than his insatiable brother.

Now he only had Yu Hua to deal with.

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