31. Make You Forget?

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"Why did you choose me, Mr. Hu?"

The question floated inside the room, above the dining table and reached Hu Jing Yao's ears. He dropped his spoon into the bowl and looked up to the man across from him with a frown.

"What do you mean?" the CEO asked, wondering from where that question popped up.

Slowly, Yu Hua put his phone back on the table and met the CEO's eyes, "you know what I am talking about, Mr. Hu," he said with a shaky voice, "there should be quite a few poor actors or actresses around you, some would even come to you willingly without expecting anything. Then why me?"

Hu Jing Yao looked at his phone lying innocently on the table and wondered what kind of message Yu Hua received to cause him to act like that. There was explicit sadness in his eyes and despair in his voice.

Was he asking it to get some reassurance? Why?

"So it was just random," Yu Hua uttered with difficulty as his throat was suddenly too dry. So, it was true, he didn't have any value at all! He was just right there, so he conveniently became a part of the story... both for his own family and for the CEO...

"No, it wasn't," Hu Jing Yao declared suddenly. Yu Hua looked like he could have another attack, so the CEO let aside his cold pride and told him the truth.

"Then why?" Yu Hua pressed, his eyes boring holes in the CEO's soul.

Hu Jing Yao took a deep breath and pushed his bowl aside. Leaning on his elbows, he confessed "because you were so charming and seemed smarter than the others."

Yu Hua gave him a questioning look, accompanied by a slight frown, so the CEO explained for him.

"While the others fell for my kind mask, you were looking directly at my soul. I saw suspicion in your gaze and thought you weren't so shallow, that you have seen a lot."

That was it. That was what he yearned to hear.

He wasn't random... he was paid attention to.

With a great urge, Yu Hua pushed his chair back and rushed to the CEO. He threw himself on the man's lap and claimed his lips with need. He had to hold on to Hu Jing Yao's warmth... or he would disappear in a dark hole of his own mind ...

Not expecting such a turn of events, Hu Jing Yao froze for a second, then he tried to push the other before he lost control over his own body. It was obvious that Yu Hua wasn't in his right mind, that he just seeked some reassurance, so it wouldn't be nice to use the actor's pitiful condition for his own bodily desires. Damn, it was almost the same as that time when the actor was drunk...

On the other hand, Yu Hua was unaware of the CEO's noble thought, so he took offence. Pulling himself back a bit, he said "you don't want it? I know I am bad at-"

"You asked for it," Hu Jing Yao cut him off and smashed their lips one more time. His hand which was pushing the actor a second ago was pulling him with full force now. He devoured his lips hungrily, wondering how come he could taste so sweet after eating a congee.

Not being experienced, Yu Hua couldn't manage to breathe in between their heated kiss, so he opened his mouth to suck a breath, but seeing the opportunity, Hu Jing Yao slipped his tongue inside his mouth. With the attack, Yu Hua moaned and the CEO felt his last bit of self-restraint took his luggage and left his body. His hands hovered around Yu Hua's body which was burning underneath his touch. There was no way Hu Jing Yao could stop after that point.

If only he didn't taste salt...

The CEO pulled himself reluctantly and saw that Yu Hua was indeed crying. He let out a harsh breath, "what's wrong?" he asked, irritated. Come on, who would start crying in the middle of a making-out?!

"W-Why mee?" Yu Hua mumbled, covering his face with his palms, but he was still sitting on the CEO's lap.

From his tone, Hu Jing Yao knew this time he wasn't the addressee of the question. Was it related to the previous message? Tskk, such bad timing! Sighing, he reached for the younger's hands and pulled them off his face forcefully. He wanted to say a few reassuring words, but seeing Yu Hua's messy hair, swollen red lips and shiny hazel eyes with tears, he was tongue-tied.

Yu Hua was indeed so beautiful...

It would be much better if those tears were out of pleasure not pain, Hu Jing Yao said inwardly as his unruly hand worked on his own and wiped the tears off his eyes gently.

"Tell me what's wrong," the CEO asked softly, his hand refusing to leave the actor's small face. He already forgot about his frustration, being distracted by Yu Hua's lovely flustered face.

Yu Hua bit his lips and sniffed, "it is nothing, I am sorry," he mumbled as he tried to get off from the CEO's lap. There was no end of his humiliating behaviour!

Swiftly Hu Jing Yao grabbed his arms, keeping him on his lap and asked "who hurt you darling?"

Maybe it was because of the concerned tone of his voice or the word 'darling' or the warmth of his hands... Yu Hua couldn't pinpoint the reason, but somehow he found his faucets opened again, transparent liquids rolling down relentlessly. He blinked rapidly to fight the tears, but realising it didn't help, he lowered his head so that his long bangs could cover his face.

"Am I that bad?" he asked with a small voice after a while later, "why does he want to leave me behind for a stranger?"

"What?" Hu Jing Yao's hands tightened around Yu Hua's arms with a sudden surge of anger as well as jealousy. Was he crying in his arms for another man? FOR ANOTHER MAN?!

"Aaa," Yu Hua raised his head to look at the CEO as the grip on his arms started to be painful. Why was he so angry? Was it because he was crying while... you know?

"Who is he?" Hu Jing Yao asked in between his clenched teeth. His amiable eyes became cold.

"M-my brother," Yu Hua whispered, feeling a slight fear running in his veins.

Hu Jing Yao frowned, "brother?" he asked to be sure as it was unexpected.

Although the actor revealed more than he wanted, he owed an explanation to the CEO after ruining his night repeatedly. Trying to ignore the pressure on his arms, he said "my brother decided to go to Germany to live with his mother."

"Didn't you say 'stranger'?" the CEO asked suspiciously as he spotted a contradiction in his words.

"She is a stranger, she left us long ago," Yu Hua explained with a blank face, and the hands left his arms.

"So you feel bitter because your brother chose her over you?" Hu Jing Yao asked rhetorically, his anger already left its place to sympathy. Yu Hua's life seemed so tough as well as complicated.

Yu Hua flinched as the CEO was right. He indeed felt very bitter, but it wouldn't be nice to portray his brother badly. Therefore, he faked a smile and said "he just wants a better life, it is understandable."

Hu Jing Yao saw through his act and didn't understand why the actor was so nice. He could curse his brother to make himself feel better. It wouldn't do any harm, yet he always tried to look so strong. Wasn't he tired?

"Do you want me to help you forget everything? At least for one night?"

Yu Hua looked at the CEO with wide open eyes. He could guess the nature of the help, but... maybe it was actually a good idea. He really needed to distract his mind, otherwise he could feel a burnout was on its way.

With the resolution, the action came. He circled his arms around the CEO and said "please make me forget..."

Hu Jing Yao ogled him with lust, "as you wish, little flower," he said and smashed their lips.

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