39. Saving You

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"Why leaving so early?" Hu Jing Yao talked to himself as he watched Yu Hua leaving the 7/11 store at ten. Indeed, it sounded a bit creepy, but the CEO had a good explanation why he was hiding at his favourite corner and watching the certain store. Ahem, earlier the same day, he accidentally eavesdropped on Jing Yong's phone call, saying he wouldn't make it to collect him from the store as Ming Lei was sick. As he was a perfect boss, he was concerned about the well-being of his employee and decided to be sure Yu Hua would be safe for the night.

For the sake of the drama...

It was the mantra in his lips which his heart didn't buy while his mind was silent. He didn't want to be so pathetic to linger around someone who told him to leave him alone, but somehow his feet and his motorbike took him there. He would never admit it, but he felt cold without Yu Hua; his room was too big, the lavender scent wasn't right and his days were too predictable...

It wasn't love. I shouldn't be. In that life, he only loved Li Na and saw love wasn't anything more than an illusion. Still, he couldn't deny the burning attraction he felt for Yu Hua and the unassuaged need to protect him.

Therefore, there he was, following a damn bus like a stalker.

When the familiar figure got off at the familiar station, Hu Jing Yao stopped his car. He watched the half-stooping figure climbing the familiar stairway while talking on his phone.

One minute... two minutes... three minutes........ seven minutes...

Still no light on the dark house.

Tapping his fingers on the wheel anxiously, Hu Jing Yao decided to check on the actor as his heart was restless for an unknown reason. He locked his car and climbed the stairs fast. He followed the narrow street and had the shock of his life.

Under the dim yellow street light, Yu Hua was pinned on the floor by three men while two men were standing in front of him, one bowing to the other repeatedly.

If it was a cheesy romance novel, Hu Jing Yao would know self-defence and save the damsel-in-distress with some impressive moves... yet, it was real life and he, of course, didn't know anything about self-defence.

Therefore, he did the best he could and took out his phone. He hid on the corner and wrote 'police siren' on Baidu with his shaky fingers. He clicked on the first video after maximising the volume and hoped that it would work.

He wasn't sure if luck or the author favoured him, but regardless of the source, the bad men panicked. Hu Jing Yao heard them exchanging some loud words, then they opted to run away.


Hu Jing Yao watched them running away into the darkness, then rushed to the remaining two men.

"Yu Hua," he crouched down next to him and gently grabbed his arm, helping him into a sitting position. There were some scratches and dust on his face and hands, but other than those, he seemed fine. The CEO let out the breath he was holding with relief and asked "are you okay?"

As Yu Hua wasn't even aware of his existence next to him, he couldn't answer. Fixing his disappointed gaze on his shameless father sitting in front of him, he shouted "how could you sell me to your loan shark?! Are you even human?!"

Blood froze in Hu Jing Yao's veins. He threw a deadly glance towards the old guy while his hands tightened protectively around the unaware figure. What would happen to Yu Hua if he didn't follow him? Would those men... No, even the thought of it was horrifying.

"IF YOU JUST PAID, THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN!!" the old man shouted after a second of silence, but seeing the murderous look on the man next to his son, he lowered his gaze immediately.

That broke Yu Hua. His father not only didn't acknowledge his fault, but also wasn't sorry for his shameful behaviour. He even had the audacity to put the blame on Yu Hua. Dejected and hurt, he kept staring at the man in front of him silently, wondering why he had to experience everything bad. Was he the only person in the entire world? Why always him?

As if feeling his internal struggle, Hu Jing Yao pulled the doll-like man into his arms, trying to pass some warmth to his freezing body. Initially, he thought his own father was evil, but seeing Yu Hua's father, he changed his mind completely. As a result, he was determined not to leave Yu Hua with that shameless man.

"I will pay the debt if you leave your son alone."

The old man raised his head immediately while Yu Hua was still drowning in his unpleasant thoughts.

"Who are you though? Why holding my son like that?" the older man asked with sudden realisation.

"Does it matter?" Hu Jing Yao snorted with disgust, "you don't even care about him."

That silenced the old man. He raised to his feet and dusted off his old pants. Looking at the CEO with hope, he said "I need two hundred fifty thousand."

"I will give you an additional fifty, but you will leave Yu Hua alone. If you involve him again, I will use my own men to get rid of you. Forever."

The old man nodded with fear as there was a very dangerous glint in the man's eyes, giving him creeps. Getting the check from Hu Jing Yao, he left, almost running for dear life. Throughout the ordeal, Yu Hua neither said a word nor moved an inch. His dead eyes were looking at the asphalt blankly while his face was expressionless.

"Yu Hua?" Hu Jing Yao called out gently as if he was afraid to startle him.

No reaction.

"We should go, you will get sick," the desperate man tried again, but as there was still no response, he heaved a sigh and pulled him up by his arms.

With no little difficulty, he dragged the doll-like figure into his car. Turning the heating on and putting the seat belt for both of them, he drove to the hotel. 

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