30. A Warm Heart and Stomach

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Yu Hua didn't have any idea what he was doing inside the CEO's car again. When he tried to excuse himself for future embarrassment, the CEO directed him an intense glare with a curt no, then he just stuffed him inside the car again like a bag of potatoes.

The silence in the car was suffocating and Yu Hua's mind was constantly showing him mental pictures of the prices on the menu. He already felt terrible for ruining the CEO's dinner and if he had to pay for the meal he ordered yet couldn't eat, Yu Hua would look for a hole to bury himself in. Of course, he knew that for the CEO, money was no problem, but the amount bothered the poor actor.

For a few times, he managed to swallow a stupid question lurking inside his mind, but when he was distracted for a second, that silly question pushed itself out of his lips.

"They won't charge you for the meal, right?"

Hu Jing Yao thought he misheard the younger, but the car was too silent for that. He turned his head towards the man sitting next to him and asked "what do you mean?"

Yu Hua gave himself a mental slap. My damn mouth! He reluctantly mimicked the CEO's move and now they were looking at each other. As it was too late to take it back, the actor clarified his question, "Mr. Hu, hmm, you couldn't eat what you ordered... so, I was wondering if you... had to pay for it."

A sudden realisation hit Hu Jing Yao hard. So, his attack was because of the meal prices! Could it be that simple? Yes, it was that simple... the CEO could see the answer in Yu Hua's apologetic eyes. For God sake, what kind of a life Yu Hua was living? Okay, Hu Jing Yao admitted that the restaurant he chose was top notch, but then mustn't the actor have enjoyed it fully as he couldn't even dream of going to such a place by himself? All his sex partners used to dying of happiness when Hu Jing Yao took them to expensive places... even Li Na, but Yu Hua almost died for real and not because of happiness.

Can he really be that pure?

"I am sorry, Mr. Hu," Yu Hua mumbled his mantra again, his head hanging low, as the CEO didn't utter a word for a while.

"Don't apologise," Hu Jing Yao said as his treacherous hand moved by its own volition and raised the younger's head up towards himself, "I should have asked you first what you wanted to eat. I was inconsiderate, I am sorry."

Yu Hua's hazel eyes widened with shock. The mighty CEO apologised to him even when he did no wrong! Could this man get any nicer? Yu Hua felt thankful tears welling into his eyes, so he blinked a few times to fight them.

"I am not used to eating out, I freaked out because of the atmosphere, I am so sorry, Mr. Hu for ruining your night," the actor declared suddenly as he believed the CEO deserved an explanation.

As Hu Jing Yao had already guessed, the statement didn't come as a surprise. Still, he was happy that Yu Hua trusted him enough to tell the truth. Trying not to show pity in his expression, he said "let's go back to the hotel then, they have excellent congee."

Before the actor could reply, the CEO tapped the glass panel in front of him and the driver lowered the screen to hear the command. "To the hotel," Hu Jing You ordered and the black panel separated the driver from them again.

After that, the ride wasn't silent. With the sudden fear of Yu Hua's attack relapsing, Hu Jing Yao tried to distract his mind as much as he could. However, as he wasn't a chaty type, he found it so hard to initiate a conversation. Still, seeing his admirable effort, Yu Hua put his own effort although he didn't feel like talking, and VOILA! They found themselves talking about movies. Not the best, but still okay.

Well, that boring topic proved itself to be useful as it made the duo reveal some facts about themselves. For example, based on Hu Jing Yao's favourite movies, Yu Hua deduced that the CEO prefered reality over dreams, and he was highly pessimistic about life and love as all the movies he listed had sad endings. Similarly, Hu Jing Yao managed to conclude that Yu Hua was hopelessly optimistic. The movies he liked all had sappy romance in them and they all ended happily.

If it was someone else, Hu Jing Yao would roll his eyes and would tell the other that the world wasn't a unicorn land where everyone had a happy ending, but... but it was Yu Hua. Although the CEO didn't know all the details, he knew the actor's life was a tough one. Therefore, he kind of understood why he was so fond of happy movies... he should be seeking some reassurance to keep himself going.

"Mr. Hu, we have arrived."

Yu Hua's soft voice snapped Hu Jing Yao out of his reverie. Nodding, he opened his door and got out of the car. He exchanged some words with his driver, then he led the actor inside the hotel.

Once in the room, he urged Yu Hua to take a shower while he ordered some food. Fearing what could follow after the shower, the younger tried to argue, but the CEO's harsh gaze silenced him. He borrowed a basic dark blue t-shirt and matchy shorts from Hu Jing Yao and went to the bathroom.

Although Yu Hua didn't notice, apparently his body was quite stiff after the semi-attack. He stood under the hot shower and let his muscles loosen for a while before washing his hair and his body. When he left the bathroom in the CEO's clothes, the food was already there.

"I only ordered congee, it is the fastest." No, it wasn't possible for Hu Jing Yao to say that he was concerned about the actor's stomach after the incident. He even ordered the same for himself so that Yu Hua wouldn't misunderstand.

With an apologetic smile, Yu Hua took his usual seat across from Hu Jing Yao. It was a plain congee, but Yu Hua was very grateful for it... or for the CEO, he couldn't decide. With a warm heart and stomach, the actor ate slowly until he felt the vibration of his phone on the table. He pulled the phone off the table to his lap and checked the message.

[Father went out!!!!! Please spare me the drama, I was talking with mom about the ticket] -YL

Yu Hua read the message two times, but the words insisted to be the same. Initially, he thought Yu Lan was just lying to him about going to Germany out of anger, but now suddenly it became reality and Yu Hua didn't know what to feel. It sounded surreal that his brother was willing to leave them for the woman who left him eighteen years ago. Of course, Yu Hua wanted his brother to have a good life, but was Yu Lan that unhappy with them that he wanted to try his luck in a foreign country with a stranger? Okay, Yu Hua admitted that their father was a hopeless case, but what about him? Was he that easy to be left behind? He must have been based on the turn of events...

No, the universe showed him no pity, only kept adding another dagger into his heart...

"Why did you choose me, Mr. Hu?"

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