48. Tension in the Air

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Yu Hua entered the huge living room with a bag of oranges in his hand. Luckily, Hu Jing Yao brought his best clothes from his house, otherwise, he would have to go with his worn-out pyjamas. He was also glad that the man who drove him was nice enough to grant his wish and pulled over so that Yu Hua could buy some fruits for the elder.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hu," Yu Hua politely greeted the elder man who was sitting on a throne-like black armchair with a majestic aura. With his shaky feet, the actor approached the big rectangle coffee table and put the bag on it, "for you."

"Oranges?" the white-haired man asked with clear astonishment, "no ginseng tea or rice liquor?"

Yu Hua shook his head, "I don't have money for them, sorry to disappoint you."

Mr. Hu looked at him with narrowed eyes, but his expression was unreadable. Pointing the sofa for Yu Hua to sit, he asked "don't you have my son's golden card?"

This time it was Yu Hua's turn to squint his eyes. He took a deep breath and said "I don't get money from the CEO," but then he corrected, "well, I got money from him, but as a debt, I am paying it back."

The narrowed eyes widened in the face of the frank words, "you are an interesting one, but let's get to the point," the old man declared and made a gesture to one of his men. Immediately, a piece of paper and a pen were put in front of Yu Hua.

"I guess you know what it is," the old man asked flatly, leaning on the armchair comfortably.

Yu Hua grabbed the paper and saw it was a deal. His eyes trailed down the paper and saw an astronomical amount at the end. "Mr. Hu, you are offering me this much money to leave your son?" he asked with shock.

"Indeed, so?"

"I can't accept it, my apologies," Yu Hua said firmly with anger building in his heart. Apparently, the CEO's father resembled his own father in terms of making them disappointed and hurt. With a sour expression, the actor left the paper back on the table harshly.

"Is it too less for you?" Mr. Hu asked, unbothered.

"Less?!" Yu Hua exclaimed, "I can't even dream this much money."

"Then what is the problem?"

"I already have a deal with your son as you should know it already. I am poor, but I have my business ethics. I will leave when your son tells me to do so, not before then."

Mr. Hu leaned his elbows on his legs, his attention perked, "think carefully," he urged the actor, "I am more powerful than my son, I can grant all your wishes."

"Then please leave me alone," Yu Hua declared boldly and stood up on his wobbly legs. Damn, he should have taken the medicine before coming. Fighting the black spots dancing in his vision, he said "your son is a wonderful man, so he doesn't deserve this kind of betrayal from his own father... Please let him decide what he wants... don't worry he won't risk... GL Entertainment."

"Is that what you really think?"

"Yes" was the unwavering answer although the figure said it was wavering, "and one more... thing," Yu Hua said, grabbing the back of the armchair to balance himself, "I won't say a word... to your son about... this meeting... please you do... the s—-"

Yu Hua's sentence was left unfinished as he collapsed on the floor.



"This investment will-" Hu Jing Yao paused as his phone rang again for the fifth time, his annoying brother's name showing on the screen. Brimming with annoyance, he rose to his feet, "let's take a break, I need to answer this phone," he said and left the meeting room with long angry steps.

He called his brother back and tapped his foot angrily as he waited for him to answer.

"Jing Yao! Why the hell you don't answer the damn phone?!"

Hearing the urgency in his voice, Hu Jing Yao stopped tapping and softly asked "what's wrong?"

"Father called your lover boy home!"


"Hurry up!" Hu Bei shouted and ended the call.

Hu Jing Yao got frantic. If his father decided to meddle, there was only one reason; to get rid of Yu Hua.

History repeats itself...

"Damn it!" the CEO exclaimed and after cancelling the meeting, he rushed to his family house with ultimate agitation.

I shouldn't have kept Yu Hua this long... because I couldn't give up on him, father intervened again... all my fault... if father throws money in his face, Yu Hua will be broken completely... I am sorry, it is all my fault...

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