37. A Chaotic Night

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"Just stop it, will you?"

Hu Jing Yao wanted to believe that he misheard Yu Hua, but the coldness in the actor's eyes made it impossible. Trying to hide his astonishment, he asked "stop it what?"

Yu Hua heaved a sigh and stepped out of the staff room in order not to disturb Ming Lei's rest. He closed the door and led the CEO towards the other end of the store.

"Are you hurt?" Hu Jing Yao asked, ignoring the actor's cold attitude.

"No," Yu Hua clicked his tongue, "why are you here, Mr. Hu?"

Hu Jing Yao stared at the man in front of him. As they were almost the same height, the eye contact was straight. Trying not to lose his cool, he said "didn't I already tell you?"

Suddenly, Yu Hua lost it and grabbed the CE's coat with both hands, "do you enjoy confusing me this much?" he almost yelled, unable to suppress his surging distress, "one moment you are so caring, then you are cold as ice! After I... opened up to you, you just disappeared on me! Now, you are here asking me if I am okay. After thirteen days of silence!"

Hu Jing Yao was too shocked to say anything. Initially, he thought Yu Hua would be happy to be left alone. It was already too late to kick him out of the drama, so he thought the actor would eventually feel free and content, but no... Yu Hua literally got a hold of his collar and was accusing him of abandoning him.

Don't get involved...

The nasty voice suppressed the warmth feeling he felt in his stomach and reluctantly he saved his coat from the younger's grip.

"Do you still remember that we have a business-like relationship?" The words spilled from his mouth painfully.

"Exactly, therefore, please don't treat me nicely. Just call me when you want to have sex," Yu Hua replied with a blank face and went back to the staff room with fast steps.

Hu Jing Yao could neither cry or laugh.

"I am so sorry," the CEO whispered with his clenched fists and made his way out. Still, seeing some suspicious men looking towards the 7/11 store, he didn't have the heart to leave the area.

He should be mental, right?

He pulled his brother's motorbike to a corner and leaned on it, his eyes on the certain store. As his position was really good, his eyes didn't fail to recognise Jing Yong rushing into the store after exchanging a few words with the policemen.

Seeing the young actor created some complicated emotions for the CEO. Knowing Yu Hua wouldn't be alone until he reached his house made him relieved, but as that company was Jing Yong, who never left Yu Hua's side, it made him kind of jealous as if he had the right.


As Yu Hua was no longer alone, Hu Jing Yao could leave. However, the suspicious types were still lurking around the corner and he had zero belief in Jing Yong's fighting abilities if necessary. As a result, he kept standing on his corner, letting the cold weather soothe his befuddled mind.

Why was it so hard to do what he wanted? At worst, Yu Hua would leave him like Li Na after his father gave him a good amount of money in exchange for leaving his son. It was only natural. As he already knew the scenario, what was so frightening? Indeed, getting over Li Na took almost a year, but now he was an experienced man. Was it because of hope? Up until now, Yu Hua acted so differently from his formal partners, so unintentionally he might think the actor would be different when confronting his father.

No, it was too good to be true... Pious hope was really dangerous...

While Hu Jing Yao was having an internal war, another man had no difficulty expressing his feelings. As soon as he entered the staff room, Jing Yong pulled Ming Lei's exhausted body on his chest, letting his head rest there. As he asked Yu Hua what had happened, he drew soothing circles on his lover's small back.

Luckily, before long, a police officer came and informed them that they could leave. Yu Hua grabbed their stuff to leave, but Jing Yong didn't have the heart to wake his sleeping lover. After giving it a thought, he lifted Ming Lei in bridal style and smiling, Yu Hua covered his friend with his coat.

Two walking and one carried figures left the store and went to Jing Yong's car under the confused gaze of the CEO.

"Let's go to my house, I will call my mom to prepare something to eat," Jing Yong said when they were inside the car.

"It is two in the morning, let's not disturb anyone," Yu Hua replied, "you just drop me at the bus stop and take Ming Lei to his house."

"No way!" Jing Yong objected immediately, "if not my house, then let's go to Ming Ming's house all three."

"He has only one bed and a sofa, so it is better if you accompany him as his boyfriend," Yu Hua stood on his ground and helpless, Jing Yong nodded.

"At least let me drive you home, ge."

"Okay, thank you."

So Jing Yong drove Yu Hua home unaware of the motorbike following him. After Yu Hua left the car, the actor drove off while the motorbiker patiently waited for the actor to reach his house.

"Here seems more dangerous than LaoDao street," Hu Jing Yao murmured as his eagle eyes watched Yu Hua's tired body climbing the crooked stairway. Soon, a light shone through the dark night and the CEO understood Yu Hua was home.

"Stay safe," Hu Jing Yao whispered and after checking around one more time, he drove off. 

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