2. A Sordid Offer

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"Please sit, Mr. Yu," Hu Jing Yao said politely and called his secretary for some honey tea after Yu Hua sat on the leather sofa for three. Then he sat across from him, crossed legs, and they waited for the tea in a foreboding silence.

Although Yu Hua was suspicious, the tea was really meant for him. Pushing the porcelain cup towards him, Hu Jing Yao said "drink this, it is good for stomach ache."

Yu Hua gaped at him for a second before grabbing the cup so that the CEO wouldn't think he was a nitwit. He took a sip from the tea and darted his signature smile, "this is really good, thank you so much, Mr. Hu."

"It is a family recipe," Hu Jing Yao said with a charming smile, "you should take care of yourself better, we don't want you to get sick."

Yu Hua could only nod with a subtle blush. Could his sixth sense have failed this time? Maybe the CEO was a really nice man...hmm... still...

Hu Jing Yao leaned back on his seat and drummed his long fingers on his crossed leg, "so tell me Mr. Yu, are you an ambitious man?" he asked, looking intently at the other man.

Yu Hua put the cup on the glass table back, "only if money involves," he said honestly, looking straight at Hu Jing Yao.

"Oh," the CEO smirked, "you are very honest, so let me not beat around the bush. Mr. Yu, are you aware that you are a bit old for being a rookie star? You are already twenty six, right?"

Yu Hua straightened a bit, taking a defensive attitude, "indeed, but I am a quick learner."

"No question about that... still..."

Yu Hua started to get impatient. Crossing his arms on his chest, he said "so you are saying...?"

Hu Jing Yao rubbed his chin, "what if I offer you the second-lead role in the upcoming drama?"

The actor-to-be let out a bittersweet chuckle as he was right about his intuition; the CEO was definitely faking his kindness. Trying to keep his voice nonchalant, he asked "and what do you want in exchange?"

Hu Jing Yao laughed with pleasure, he indeed chose the best one among the group. "You are really plainspoken, Mr. Yu," he said with sparks in his eyes, "so let me be frank as well; I want you to be my sex partner in an exchange for the role, fair?"

Sex partner?! SEX PARTNER?!! Yu Hua's mind was screaming with terror, but he managed to keep his face blank. What else did he expect? It was only in cliche movies that the rich man fell for the poor woman/man. In real life, everything was about transactions. Favour for favour...

"Was it too direct?" Hu Jing Yao asked with no remorse as the younger man was too silent.

Yu Hua didn't answer the CEO. He rubbed his face and contemplated his choices. He could indeed splash Hu Jing Yao with the tea and kick a rumpus before leaving the building for good, but it meant the end of his not-even-started- career and all the trouble he went through would be in vain. On the other hand, he could accept the offer and earn a lot of money to make his family survive. Yes, it was hurting his pride to be bottom for a shameless man even before he could try it with a girl, but it wasn't like he believed in love or waiting for his other-self, blah blah...

So, why not sacrifice himself for the sake of his family?

Still, he wanted to hear one more thing before he accepted the sordid offer.

"Why me?"

The question echoed in the silent room and reached Hu Jing Yao's ears. He smiled with conceit and said "because you were the prettiest."

Yu Hua puffed, "you said you would be frank, Mr. Hu," he dared the man in front of him, "just say it... you chose me because you found out I was the poorest among the others. You thought I would be a sucker for money and popularity, and you are actually right. I accept your offer, Mr. Hu, but give me a day to digest the situation."

That was unexpected. Originally, Hu Jing Yao thought Yu Hua would kick a rumpus for show, then come back a few days later and accept the offer after a heart-wrecking speech.

Yet, Yu Hua acted highly cool. So, he was not only super sexy, but also smart and down-to-earth. It was a rare combination in the industry. Hu Jing Yao felt the excitement running in his veins after so long.

"Okay, you can have your one day, but tomorrow we have to start our business," Hu Jing Yao said and then added, "don't forget to keep it a secret."

"It is not something I would like to announce to anyone," Yu Hua answered coldly and left the room with his shaky legs.

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