There Will Be Blood: Final Part

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The three vampires escort you to the main room where the Alpha is. There are a ton more vampires in the room as well, and you're suddenly rethinking your decision coming in here. You left Zeus in the car for this reason only. The vampires strip you of all your weapons and syringes so that it can't be used on them later.

"The Winchesters. Singer, or are you a Winchester now?"

"You know the answer to that," you growl.

"I'm intrigued," he chuckles.

The door at the end of the room opens, and Emily walks in wearing different clothes. She walks over to the Alpha's chair and rests her hand on the arm rest.

"Hi, Sam," she grins.

"Wow. For a girl raised in a basement, you're a hell of an actress," Dean comments.

You knew something was off about her. When are you going to start listening to your instincts?

"You were gonna hurt my daddy."

You really don't like how she says that word.

"You get a trophy for Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry to burst your bubble, but, uh... we weren't. Sam here had a better idea."

"We're here to talk. That's it."

"Now that my guys have taken your blades and your syringes of tainted blood. Is that what you mean?" the Alpha laughs.

"Well, we, uh... figured you might hold a grudge."

"Why would I? Because you captured me, tortured me, sold me to the king of Hell?"

"That was more their grandpa," you say slowly. A vampire moves to attack you, but you blast him with your magic so that he goes flying into the wall behind him. You turn to the Alpha with bright blue eyes. "Stay the hell away from my daughter."

"I'm going to peel off your faces and drink you slowly," the Alpha promises.

"Just listen. You need us," Sam begs.

"Oh, yes. I am thirsty!"

"The plague! We know what it is! What do you know about Leviathans?"

"A bit," he shrugs.

"You know they're poisoning the food supply?"

"Roman didn't mention that when we met for dinner last fall. We made lots of plans. We are on excellent terms, he and I."

"Are you sure about that? Did he mention that he was going to... Maui wowie the human population?"

"Oh, of course. He said grabbing a snack would be easier than ever," he chuckles.

"He said you'd all live together, didn't he? Do you really believe him? You think your children are dying by accident? There is pesticide in the formula!" Sam exclaims.

"It suits you to think so. You need me on your side."

"Look, we're not the ones burning from the inside out. Think about it. Whatever deal he made with you was shit! Trust us!" you try to convince him.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because we can stop Dick. Stop all of it. We just... we need your blood for the weapon."

"So now you want to prevent the extermination of the vampire race," the alpha laughs in amusement.

"No, but it beats going down with you."

There is a sound of the front door opening, and you're actually kind of scared of who could be here.

"Allan, darling," the Alpha calls. A very young boy walks over to him. This is a human boy because you can see how terrified he is. "Come."

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