Defending Your Life: Part One

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The idea of getting a dog is forced to the back of your mind because right now, you have to deal with a normal ass case. You'd deal with the Leviathans, but there is nothing popping up. Instead of sitting inside the cabin twiddling your thumbs, you and Sam both decided it would be a good idea to work a normal case to pass the time. Saving lives, it's no big deal anymore.

Joanna is perfectly fine in her carrier as you take her out of the car with you. Like you said before, you're never leaving her alone. Your dad is God knows where, and you don't trust her with anyone else. You got the news over the cop radio that a murder has everyone freaked. They wouldn't say over the radio, so you decided to check it out for yourself. The whole block is crowded with pedestrians, but the police are managing to keep them away from the apartment building.

"This feels wonky," Dean sighs.

"What does?"

"Working a regular job."

"My dad will call if anything comes up about the Leviathans. In the meantime, you know you want to work this case. You were practically going out of your mind back at the cabin with nothing to do. Plus, these cops were dumbfounded over the wire," you shrug.

"No arguments. It's kind of nice, you know? We're due for a little cut and dry. Plus, you seem good."

"I am... for me."

You three walk to the police line where an officer is standing by. You all flash him your badges, and he just stares at your daughter who is making cooing noises and looking at you.

"What the hell are you looking at?" you ask, and he just shakes his head.

He lets you three into the crime scene, but before you can go up, Sam stops you two.

"By the way... thank you."


"Amy. I know you didn't want to let her go, but it was the right thing to do. So, thanks."

"No problem," he says.

There is something about the way Dean reacted that makes you think he did more than just let her go. You're not sure what he did, but you want to believe him when he says he let her go. If you're going to be his wife, then you're going to have to trust what he says upfront. Then again, he's a Winchester and lying is in his genes.

You three head up to the tenth floor where the murder took place, and you flash your badge to the Officer standing at the police line. He, too, looks at your daughter, and that only pisses you off.

"Yeah, I have my daughter here. You got a problem with that?" you ask.

Much like the other officer, he only shakes his head and lets you through. The man in charge is standing right outside the apartment, and he greets you when you approach him.

"Welcome to Crazytown, population–one dead guy."

"Who was he?" you ask.

"Uh, Matthew Hammond. Seems to have been crushed to death."


"Well, if we weren't on the tenth floor, I'd say by a car."

He allows you to go inside the apartment where the CSI is there taking pictures of the big fucking hole in the wall. Blood is splattered around the hole, but there is nothing in the apartment that looks remotely big enough to make this kind of damage. The detective might be right, the deceased might have been crushed by a car. Question is, how did it get way up here? When you enter the apartment, the CSI guys leave to talk to the Detective posted outside. Sam takes out his EMF reader, and it lights up like crazy.

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