The Girl Next Door: Final Part

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Where do dead bodies go? The morgue, and if Sam did anything right, then he definitely went to the morgue to check out the victims. You and Dean hit the local hospital first in hopes that Sam did go here. Joanna is sleeping, so you try your best not to wake her as you two head inside the hospital. With a quick flash of your badge, you are taken to the morgue to check out the body. You might not even need to if you ask the right questions.

The coroner leads you inside the main room and rolls out the body that Sam asked to see. There is nothing special about the body as you can tell, but that doesn't mean nothing is here. You can feel the coroner's eyes on you as you bring Joanna to the other side to get a better look at the body. You know what he must be thinking: why are you bringing a baby in here? Well, if he minded his own business, then things would go a lot smoother.

"This is the one he asked to see," the coroner motions to the body.

"Great," you say. "Did he do anything to it?"

"No. He just asked a few questions about the other vics. You know, about the missing pituitary glands and so forth."

"Son of a bitch," Dean mutters.

That just confirmed your suspicions about what Sam is doing here. He is definitely hunting a Kitsune, and you have a feeling it's more than meets the eye. You two thank the coroner and leave the hospital so you can call your dad and tell him what you two found. After placing Joanna in the backseat, you take out your phone and call your dad, placing him on speakerphone when he answers.

"We know what Sam is doing," you begin. "He's chasing a Kitsune."

"A what?"

"A Kitsune. It's pretty rare. Dad, Y/N, and I hunted one back in '98," Dean says.

"It vaguely rings a bell."

"Yeah, it definitely didn't make our highlight reel."

"Well, at least now we know he's working a job."

"But why keep it a secret?" you ask. "Why not let us help when he knows we can?"

"Not a clue," your dad sighs. "What are you going to do when you catch up?"

"I got a few ideas. I'll keep you updated."

You hang up after that and stare at Dean. He's stewing, and all of that anger isn't going to do much good bottled up.

"Tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking about how much of an idiot Sam is being. Why keep us in the dark? Is this another Lucifer thing? He could be dead for all we know!" he exclaims.

"Dean, he's not dead. He knows better than to just go off if he even so much as has a hint that's it's Lucifer messing with him. We just gotta catch him in the act and figure out why this is so important to him. You said it yourself, Kitsunes are pretty rare. Either he didn't kill the one he was supposed to kill back in '98, or this is a brand new one. My guess is that he didn't kill it before, and now he's just finishing the job."

"That brings me back to the same question: why did he hide it from us? If he didn't kill it before, then he knows to tell us he didn't so we can do it together."

"I think it's a lot more complicated than that. He must have had a relationship with this person."

"Are you hearing yourself? This is back when Dad was alive. None of us would even have a talking relationship with one of those much less any other monster."

"All I'm saying is that it doesn't make sense for him to hide it unless he was personally involved with her."

"Whatever," he scoffs and stars the car.

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