Death's Door: Part One

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Warnings: angst, canon violence, losing a parent angst


A sea of people rush past you to help your father. He's being carried in by Sam since Dean has a crying Joanna in his arms. You're standing in the middle of the hospital ER floor watching all of this take place. It's like you've been sucked out of your own body, and you're watching this happen. You see yourself enter the hospital with tears streaming down your face. You're yelling at the nurses, but you don't hear what's being said. Your body is alive with fear and adrenaline, but your spirit is numb and empty.

Doctors and nurses rush past your spirit, but they are in slow motion. Everything else around you becomes a blur as your entire focus is entirely on your dad and his doctors. Sam is trying to keep a cool head as he talks to the doctors about what happened. He is trying to be the level-headed brother, but you can see the hints of tears in his eyes. Dean is just panicking on the inside and the outside, trying not to break down right here and now. He is trying really hard not to cry, but Bobby has been like a father to him, so it's really hard not to cry for him.

Joanna is a screaming and crying mess. She senses how distraught you are and how bad the situation is. All she wants is you and to comfort you in the way you comfort her, but she isn't strong enough to escape Dean's grasp. He is trying to calm her down, but nothing seems to be working.

You, on the other hand, just look utterly broken. Your eyes are puffy and red, there are tears stained on your cheeks as new ones flow down, your entire body is shaking from fear, and you're yelling at the doctors and nurses to save him.

Nothing about this is okay. You're afraid that if you take even one step or breathe, then you're going to crumble. You're afraid that if you leave your dad alone in the trauma room, he's going to die without you saying goodbye to him. You're afraid that if you blink, everything and everyone you love is just going to disappear into thin air.

You think back to what brought you here in the first place.

"Daddy," you whisper and try to shake him awake.

Sam is still holding you to keep you from trying to heal your dad as Dean speeds to the hospital. Joanna is crying as loud as she can, and all you need from everyone is for them to shut the hell up because your head is splitting into two.

"Sam, is he dead?" Dean asks from the front.

You try to get out of Sam's grasp, but it becomes stronger.

"Let me go!! Let me fucking check on him!!" you scream.

Sam hesitates to let you go, but that short window of opportunity presents itself and you take it. You shove him off you as you place your hand on your dad's neck and feel a pulse. You let out a sigh of relief, but it's short-lived.

"Is he dead?!"

"Just fucking drive, Dean!!" you yell.

"You gotta talk to me, Y/N! Sam!"

"There's a pulse! He's breathing. Please drive faster," you sob.

"Keep him upright. Stop the bleeding."

"I'm not a fucking idiot, Dean! I know first aid for a fucking bullet to the head!"

Dean takes out his phone and dials 911 since that's the only number he believes he should call.

"I need the nearest trauma center," he says.

His words drown out so much, you're only listening to the sound of your own heartbeat... and it's breaking.

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