Plucky Pennywhistle's Magic Menagerie: Part One

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You should have known that relying on Frank for your Leviathan news wasn't a smart idea. He takes forever to get the information back to you, and when he does, it's usually not the news you were hoping to hear. You understand why Frank does what he does, but there's still so much about him you're not sure of. Since he hates cell phones and advises you not to use it when contacting him, you're waiting for a phone call at a payphone. He told you that he would call you back when he knows more.

In the meantime, you have nothing else to do but wait. Sam is leaning on the car reading some newspaper (probably looking for more cases), and Dean is playing with Joanna and Zeus on the patch of grass that's near the payphone. Zeus needs and loves the exercise, so Dean is throwing a stick that he found while Joanna is giggling and laughing whenever Zeus comes back with it.

The sight brings a smile to your face, and you think to yourself that you couldn't care less how long Frank takes as long as you get to see this. Dean holds Joanna in his left arm so that he can throw the stick with his right hand.

Zeus takes off running before Dean has a chance to throw it, so your husband decides to confuse the dog a bit and throw it in the opposite direction. Zeus quickly switches lanes and almost falls, and Joanna cracks up laughing.

"This is what I needed," you say to yourself.

"I wish I could be here," Bobby says.

He lays a hand on your shoulder, but you make no move to acknowledge his presence. He looks at his son-in-law and his granddaughter smiling and laughing, and he realizes this is the first time in his life and afterlife that he has ever seen Dean this happy. You have made such a huge impact being in both Sam and Dean's life, he can't imagine this little family with anyone but you and the brothers.

He turns to look at you, and he sighs in deep thought.

"I wish you knew I was here."

He looks further south and sees the flask that he left behind. You're holding it close and rubbing the front of it with your thumb mindlessly.

"Somehow, I think you do."

The payphone rings and brings you out of your own head, and you quickly pick it up in hopes that it is Frank.



You roll your eyes with a groan.

"I am the Eggman." You look over at Sam to see him snickering, and you just flip him off. "Seriously, Frank, payphones? I mean, come on. You're lucky Dean isn't talking to you otherwise you'd hear an earful about how unsanitary these things are."

"Fine, call me on your cell phone. Don't come crying to me when they tap the feed and figure out where your daughter sleeps."

"First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know why we use it. Big mouths are everywhere."

"You know, it doesn't help you keep calling me over and over again."

"Well, if you gave us some actual intel on Dick and his group of dicks, then I wouldn't have to keep calling, would I?"

"Don't get your panties in a twist. I don't have anything new to give you. Next time, why don't you wait for me to call you, and then we might move forward. Got it?"

"Fine," you sigh. You open your mouth to say something else, but Frank hangs up the phone on you. "Good talk."

"So, we got dick on Dick?" Sam asks when you join him.

Dean sees you and Sam together, so he cuts playtime short and gathers his dog and his daughter before heading over to you two.

"That's a vivid way of putting it."

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