Of Grave Importance: Part Two

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Bobby is overwhelmed by the number of ghosts in this house. Two teenagers are walking the halls when they run into a large man wearing a neatly pressed suit. He looks like he might be the boss of this place, this 'Van Ness'.

"I know what you did last night, and you know it was forbidden! I don't allow that sort of thing in my home. Don't do it again, Dexter, or there will be consequences."


Bobby turns to see his friend, Annie, standing there looking very pale. There is only one way she can see Bobby, and he doesn't want to say it in fear it will be true.

"Annie! We've been looking for you."

"I can't believe you're here."

"Yeah. I'm a doornail. I've got bad news here. If you can see me, you are, too."

Annie's face pales more than it should, so the both of them take a seat on the nearest sofa so she can digest this information.

"Wow. Dead. Ghost. Me. Three words you never want to use in a sentence. I feel like I was drugged."

"I get it. I figure it was a month before I even knew I was still here. You're doing well."


"So, uh, you duck your reaper, too?"

"What? No. I never even saw one. You--Bobby. Did you run away from your reaper? On purpose? That's why you're still here? You stupid, crazy old--"

"Hey. I remember a time when you liked how crazy I was," Bobby cuts her off.

"Oh, shut up! I can't believe you. You know what? As a regular ghost with no choice in the matter, screw you."

"Hey. I got unfinished business here, same as you."

"Uh-huh, and there's my unfinished business right now," Annie says and points to the teenagers who are walking slowly through the room. "Kids! Hello? You're dead."

"Well, they're not the brightest bulbs on the string," Bobby scoffs.

"I came in and they were roadkill. Then, this big guy charges at me. And now I'm... shit. Is there a fun aspect to this?"

"Not really, and so far, I can't crack the code on any of it. I mean, I've seen poltergeists bench a piano as a warm-up. I tried to help the boys and my daughter out once by knocking a book off the table and blacked out for two weeks."

"So, Sam, Y/N, and Dean don't even know you're here? Wow. That is messed up," Annie shakes her head. She looks to the wall and notices another ghost walk right through it as if it's the easiest thing in the world. The same ghost grabs one of the chairs and pulls it out to sit on it. "Alright, that's cool."

"Excuse me. Hey! Boss!" Bobby tries calling out, but the ghost doesn't respond.

The ghost opens a book and begins to read as if he's alone.

"Dick," Annie comments.

"Yeah, well, ghosts ain't the most sociable type to come down the pike. But if he can do it, why can't I?" Bobby tries to move the coffee table right in front of him, but he falls to the floor with a quiet thump. The ghost sitting at the bar laughs without looking at him. "Balls."

"Graceful," Annie chuckles.

"Novices. You all make the same mistakes," the male ghost says.

Bobby gets up and heads over to him with Annie following closely behind.

"I suppose you know all about it."

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