The Mentalists: Part Three

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Nikolai bit the bullet next. Sam and Dean weren't fast enough, and now another psychic is dead. It's the same psychic that bent Sam's spoon earlier in the week. He was impaled on his utensils on top of his coffee table. To some, it looks like someone might have set this up to murder him. To Sam and Dean, this is exactly what it looks like, just with the added element of magic.

"He probably should have bent those with the power of his mind," Dean comments when he sees the bloody coffee table and scattered silverware.

"Chief. We met at the station," Sam ignores Dean and goes straight to the police chief.

"Right. Morning, Agent."

"Morning. Uh, this is Agent Borne. So, what happened?"

"It's a weird one. Chest full of cutlery, and I got leads coming out of my ass. As of nine o'clock, our tip line had forty-six calls, all from clairvoyants that know what really happened."

"What's the popular theory?" Dean questions.

"It's a toss-up between a ghost and some sort of ogre that only attacks Russians."

"Policing Lily Dale sounds fun."

"It was either this or Los Angeles," the older man shrugs.

"So, these clairvoyants, did they give any details as to why they thought it was a ghost? Or a... Russian ogre?" Sam asks, bringing the topic back on track.

"Their spirit monkey said so. Plus, apparently, this guy claims he had a vision of his own death, cutlery and all."

Dean's phone rings, and he excuses himself to answer it.


"Agent Borne? It's Melanie Golden."

"Is everything okay?"

"Did you mean it when you said you had an open mind?"

"Yeah, I did. Why? What happened? Is everything okay?"

"I think you better come over. I'll explain then."

"We're on our way." Dean hangs up and returns to his brother and the police chief. "Excuse us. We must be going. If you have anything else, please let us know."

"Will do."

"What's going on?" Sam whispers to Dean once they are alone.

"I think we may have a lead."

Dean drives himself and Sam back over to Melanie's house, but this time, Melanie is a lot more freaked than normal.

"What's going on?" Dean asks when he sees her.

"I hadn't checked it until today," she says, holding the landline phone. "I mean, the only person who ever called my landline was my grandma."

"That's okay. Go on," Sam encourages gently.

"Look, I wouldn't put any stock in it. I mean, she was always calling me with some crazy dream she was sure was a sign–that kind of thing, but is it true Nikolai had a real vision of his death?"

"That's what we were told."

"Well, so did she–the day she died."

"What'd she say?"

"Well, you can listen to it if you want. She said she was in a séance, the lights go out, and then it's freezing."

"Wait, she said that? That the room got cold?" Sam gasps.

"Yeah. Why? Is that important?" Sam and Dean give knowing glances, and MElanie quickly picks up on that. "What? What is it?"

"It's a ghost. The real deal," Dean breaks it to her.

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