Hello, Cruel World: Part One

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You have to hand it to the Leviathans; they do not give up as easily as you thought they would. They're really fighting back against your magic. Your dad and Dean are behind you on the floor, and Joanna stares at you from against your chest. There is no way you're going to let them anywhere near her, so you have to keep fighting if you're going to defeat them.

"Dean! Dad!" you yell with a strain.

"We're okay!" your dad groans as he stands up.

"How many of you ass-clowns are in there? A hundred? More?" Dean growls as he gets up.

Castiel doesn't answer, but the more he tries to push back against your magic, the more the same black goo leaks out of his nose, eyes, and ears. He is going to explode if he continues on the path he's on. You take this opportunity to create a surge of energy that blasts him against the wall. He goes flying across the room, cracking the wall when he hits it. He doesn't have the strength to fight back anymore.

"Your vessel's going to explode. Go ahead, try to fight me again. I can assure you, you're going to lose," you threaten and stand up to your full height.

Castiel gets up on wobbly legs, knowing that you're completely right.

"We'll be back. For you three," the Leviathans inside Castiel growl.

He takes the easy way out and leaves the lab to do whatever it is he's going to do. You'd follow him, but Sam isn't back yet. You have to find him before anything else.

"Well, this is a new one," your dad sighs.

"Here, take her," you say to Dean.

You unswaddle Joanna from your chest and hand her off to her father before jogging in the direction Sam went before all of this went down. Bypassing the area where you found the jar of blood, you head into the room on the other side of the hallway. There is no sign of Sam until you venture further into the room. He is pressed up against the far wall, and it's as if he is talking to someone. He doesn't see you, but you're going to change all of that.

Using your magic, you touch his forehead with two fingers, and just like that, he is snapped out of whatever hallucination he was in. He looks around the room frantically before locking eyes with you. He is scared and terrified, and now is the time when you force yourself onto him because he needs help, and he is way past asking for help.

"Look at me, Sam. I fixed whatever you were seeing! It's gone, so do not tell me that I can't help you because you know that I can!"

"Lucifer," Sam whispers, and your eyes widen at the thought he is seeing his worst enemy.

Dean and your dad rush inside just in time, so you don't have any time to ask questions. There is time to interrogate him later, but right now, you have to get the hell out of this place.

"Alright, we got to button this up. Come on, let's get out of here," Dean says.

He passes Joanna off to you and takes the lead, guiding everyone back to the car. On your way back there, you pass by a reservoir that is caged off from the rest of the property. It's a small area of water that leads to the rest of the state since this is one of the main sources for the plumbing. That's the most shocking thing there... it's Castiel. He's walking right into the water without a care in the world.

He doesn't look back as he walks until he is submerged completely. As soon as he does that, a small whirlpool starts to form just as a black liquid radiates out from it. Those must be the Leviathans forcing themselves into the plumbing, which means they can literally go anywhere in this country. All those Leviathans are loose, and you have no way to track them or to kill them.

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